Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Gabbegubbe's Score

BioHazard 4


BioHazard 3: Last Escape


BioHazard 2


Beyond Good & Evil




Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Ultimate Edition

-- --

Battlefield 4


Battlefield 3


Battalion Wars 2


Battalion Wars


Batman: Arkham Origins


Batman: Arkham City


Batman: Arkham Asylum


Banjo to Kazooie no Daibouken


Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Special Edition)


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PS3 Slim Bundle)


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag


Assassin's Creed III


Assassin's Creed II: Complete Edition


Assassin's Creed


Anubis: Zone of the Enders Special Edition


Another Code:R - Kioku no Tobira


Another Code: Futatsu no Kioku


Animal Crossing


Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare


Alone in the Dark


Alien Trilogy




Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising


Advance Wars


1080: TenEighty Snowboarding


1080: Avalanche


007: The World Is Not Enough
