I'm not one who's good with heights, but when I was told that I could go hot air ballooning over Cappadocia, I jumped at the opportunity, knowing that the landscape would make this a chance of a lifetime. And I have to say, this was money extremely well spent. The landscape in the area is all formed of volcanic ash that has solidified over thousands of years. The local inhabitants actually dig cave homes out of this soft, cement-like stone, and have done so for millenia. I'll share some photos of those homes another time, though, since the views from up above are great by themselves. The wind has eroded the soft stone into what's called "Fairy Chimneys", and created graceful valleys and rounded hills. Each year, the valley gets a little tiny bit wider, and the old chimneys are worn away, while new ones are formed. A thousand years from now, the valley will look completely different in detail, though just the same in spirit, I hope.:)