Today I just ordered my laptop.
I'm getting a GIGABYTE Santa Rosa It look very elegant. It's net very powerfull but then again I got a laptop so I Can't play computer games but to help with studying, well that and music movies and such ;). Anyway heres the rig:
Core 2 Dual 1.5Ghz
2 gig ddr2 667
160 GB hardrive
Integrated Graphics card up to 256 shared memory
Other that I started listening more and more rock mainly clasic but a bit of punk and alternative 2.
Other than that mid semester exams are almost ove just one exam left and thats in a month leaving me some time with my friends and time to have fun. I was planning to begin Boxing this week but I'm not sure I can afford it so it might hav 2 w8 for next month.
I'n the mean time I'm downlkoading Windows XP Dark Edition v6 it looks swet and works faster than regular XP too.
I deleted all my games from my comp (formted the Games drive) cause I somehow lost 5 gigs but there back now :).
All my friends are either in college like me or drafted. last week 4 of my friend were drafted 3 to artilery but 2 of them were moved to non combat Units because of all sort of phisical problems (made up problems if you get the drift ;)).
Got just 1 day hollyday on Hannucah but hey better than nothing.
Tommorow I'm back to college but till then theres still so much time left (18 Hrs).
Hope everythings Fine with all you ppl out there. and till next time cya.....
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