It's the best COD campaign and the worst multiplayer. In fact, I would say it's one of the best single player experiences this year. But with Titanfall 2, Overwatch and BF1 around, the multiplayer gets lost in the mix.
GafRefugee's forum posts
The biggest reason I havent played FF XV on PS4 yet is because I would have to get up and put the disk in. I end up playing Hitman (digital) or Titanfall 2 (the disk is currently in there) instead. I'm all for a digital future.
It comes down to UHD Bluray vs VR to me. The Pro being able to play VR games at a surprising level of quality is a big deal. And the Xbox One S is the only 4K bluray player in my house. If I had to pick it would be the PS4 Pro, but I enjoy both
That's too bad because TW3 was not good. For you male power fantasy folks, I can see why you had a good time. But for anyone else with any sort of seasoned gaming tastes, TW3 was as handholding and paint by numbers as you can get. The Witcher Sense is as lazy as it gets. It puts survival instincts and whatever Uncharteds thing is called to shame.
@Commiesdie: The games that run worse on Pro are running at a much higher resolution. This was excusable when we compared PS4 to Xbox One performance. But now that the Pro runs at something like 1440p-1800p frame rate is all that matters on the web. It's like gamers move the goalposts in order to get pissed.
For the people saying those are bad numbers for FFXV, I hope you guys realize that it is still the fastest selling ps4 game in Japan so far.
Well thats REALLY BAD...
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