well guys , i amback finally :),its been a while since i blogged , the reason . i am back at XBL with gears of war :), got the internet fixed the very next day i bought my new 360 . & ever since gettin back at XBL , i am playing Gears of War 24/7 . so sorry guys if i missed your blogs ,but now i am back and will be watchin all your blogs 4 sure :wink:. after retrieving my profile at XBL , the very first thing i did was try some Forza Motorsport 2 on XBL , and it was awesome , the races are fun , forza 2 is a giant game , the carrer mode is very lengthy , you can play this game for months & months & still not get bored , you ll keep getting back to forza 2 for more even after playing it for months & months , some of my friends are doing nothin but playing forza 2 all day long,they are missing thierwork , missing thier dates with thier girlfriends :P, hell some of them are even missing thier food , just coz they are too busy unlocking new cars and then painting them :lol:.oh & speaking of paint i spent some time today in forza 2 today customizing my very first car in the career mode , here are some pics :wink:.
(click the links for a full size picture)
Its a Lexus Ls300 , i didnt put too much time in customising it , but for a start i think it looks good , i found the gameplay & customization very satisfying . the car damage looks very realistic , the A.I is good , this game is just amazing , i uploaded these pics from my xbox 360 to the forza 2 site , its a verynice feature , u can take a picture anytime in the game & after saving it , you can upload it directly to the forza 2 online community .the game has got tons of customization feature , i spent almost an hour in forza 2 doing nothing but painting my cars , trying new colours , body kits , tire , spoiler , etc .i have unlocked a couple of cars in career mode including a 1969 Cammaro . i am too impressed with Forza 2 ,i recommend this game to all car lovers , it s a must have 360 game :wink:.
I also tried Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars on my P.C Online , it was fun , the action is fast ,there was no sort of lag , or something like that , it was just awesome .i have played its single player campaign for about 4 hours & it was mindblowing , the storyline is just awesome , i have never played an rts game like this before . i ve never really liked RTS and Racing simluation games at all ,but now games like Forza 2 and Command & Conqer 3 have made me played this genre finally . i mostly play Action/Adventure , FPS , Third Person & Racing games , i even didnt liked RPG games some years ago, and Pokemon Ruby changed all that ,i spent amost 500 plus hours on my gba with Pokemon ruby & sapphire.it was my very first RPG game back in 2005 , after that i played Golden Sun on the gba ,and it was just awesome . RPG games are gr8 when you are really bored & you ve got nothing to do ,i am looking forward to play Oblivion some day , i may get oblivion for my Ps3 Which i may get next month :) . right now i dont feel like gettin a ps3 at this time ,yeah i want motorstorm , resistance real badly .but you know guys, there is a problem now:(
I AM BACK with My Favourite game , Gears of War , yeah its soooooooooo good to back on XBL with gears :) . after getting back with gears on xbl , i started with a ranked match , i was sure that i wont get a single frag in the very first round :P, the map was Gridlock, i was in the cog team , i went straight up to get the boomshot ,& right in front of me there was a dude waitin to chainsaw me :(.then guess what , i wascarrying a shotgun , i escaped his chainsaw ,jumped back , shot him with my shotgun , swaped to thechainsaw & chainsawed him :lol:, that dude went mad after that :lol:, & even i didnt believed that in the very first round i got the first kill for my team , that to be a chainsaw kill :shock:.,& after a couple of more rounds , i kickedsome serious @$$ , i was the leading guy in my team ,but my teammates completely s&cked big time in the match , we lost the match unfortunately, but still i was happy that i am still good at gears no matter what :)
During the weekend , i only played gears of war nonstop for 20 plus hours :P, i missed my sleep , missed my breakfast , missed my lunch , i only took a couple of 30 seconds break that to be for drinking some water or for you know what guys :lol: :lol: :P :P. it was my best gaming weekend of all times . one match after another & one match after another , it was awesome :) . when i bought gears on launch last year, i played it for a couple of months online ,and after sometime i stopped playing it , coz my gamescore was quiet low at that time , it was only a 1100 points . so i left gears 4 a while & played other games coz i needed to increase my gamescore. i still used to play gears on weekends for hours and hours :P. but i always wanted to play it even more & more . & now that my gamerscore is 9000 plus points , i should relax & play Gears & only Gears for a long long time . i also wanna play some other games like Forza 2,saints row , graw & R6 vegas which i left uncompleted , i ll be playing them when i get too much free time :wink:. i may play them on weekends ,and for the entire week i ll be only playing gears of war . here are some pics i took from the new gears maps that i recently downloaded from XBL ,if you dont have them , get it, they are worth it & my favourites are Process & Garden :wink:
Its so dam confusing 4 me now :(
I have 3 awesome games , i wanna play them all real bad,but i only have time for 1 :(,& My new gears of war disc inside my 360 says me"dare you touch that eject button lionhart ":P