I am Missing My Xbox 360
by gagan21 on Comments
I am miles away from home as i m in cyber city of india (hyderabad). And i am missing my Xbox 360 and gears of war too much :cry:. But i am happy that i ve a psp in my pocket and a Tekken dark resurrection umd in it:D. I got some new games from here like socom combined assault ,amped 2 , dead or alive 4 and pokemon emerald. Plus i also bought a 1 year xbl gold subscription and some ms points for buying stuff on xbl. I cant wait to get back home and play all these games and renew my xbl gold subscription :D. I m not missing gs at all coz my cellphone can browse the net. I can read and post blogs. The only thing bad is that i cant watch any videos in my phone. Bt thats ok with me . Thats if 4 now guys i gota go. I have a train to catch with my friends plus tekken to play throughout my journey :P. C ya . I ll catch u guys later when i reach home and i ll be making a christmas profile too:P . Happy Gaming :D