After beating WWE SVR07 Season and a slow and boring week I Finally got back into Dead Rising this past saturday and today i just completed it and got the true ending of the game :D,i had played some of it 2 months back but left it coz i was busy with other games and all i can say is that this game tested my patience to new limits and now i am feeling very happy after finally beating this awesome masterpiece game .
(Feel Free To Read , there are No Spoilers )I wont spoil anything for those who havent played it yet so feel free to ready my blog .There are around 3 or 4 endings in this game and i got the best ending :D. Dead Rising is all about zombies and it requires a lot of patience ,so if u are very impatient and get frustated soon then dont get this game at all coz it will frustate you a lot, the save system $ucks big time in this game coz you only get 1 slot for save ,which means if you saved your game in a bad situation from which u cannot complete the next task then you are screwed , u have to start the game from the beginnig, the only thing good is that your stats in the game remain the same when you start a new game . i enjoyed dead rising a lot as it had my favourite weapon these days in video games , A Chainsaw :D, and i ll recommend this weapon to everybody those who are playing or havent played it yet.its one of the most powerfull and best weapon in the game, i enjoyed it a lot and it was extremely usefull for almost all the bossfights in the game. u get the chainsaw in the game very early in the game by defeating a psycopath called adam the clown
He is very easy to kill :P,and once u have killed him pick his chainsaw and there are 3 books in the game that make this chanisaw last 27 times making it almost unbreakable and unstopable :D ,these books are located in wonderland plaza and paradise plaza of the game.overall the game was an awesome experience and in my opinion Dead Rising has one of the best stories in gaming history :D,sure there are some flaws in the game , but still i enjoyed it , it is frustating a lot ,but i think this game is unique, i have never played a game like this before in my life. you have to be very quick in dead rising when you are doing the main story missions ,and always have some healing items and a chainsaw with you for some bad situations in the game :D. last night i started playing a fresh new game of it ,and played it till 6 in the morning then waked up again at 11 and unfortunately i had to resart the game from start coz i saved my game at a bad spot and i was unable to complete the objective in time ,it frustated me a lot, but i never lost hope and then restarted it again and played it till i beat it and now after playing this game for almost more than 3 or 4 times ,all i can say is wow :D,i have never played a game like this before in my life , it was challenging and it was even harder to get the true ending , and i always wanted to knew what the true end will be, so i just played it a lot and after playing it a lot, i understood what i had to do next in the game, and then it became a lot easier and the fact that i was at level 40 made the game even easier towards the end :D
Now i know almot everything about this game , so if any of you guys ever need any help in Dead Rising then feel free to ask me or just pm me , i will help you out :wink:.Dead Rising is a Masterpiece :D, it is very cinematic and i would love to see a movie of it in future. Frank West , the main charachter of the game is awesome , and overall a solid voice acting done by everyone in the game :D. i know that a sequel to dead rising will come soon and i will be waiting for that :D,i cant wait to see whats next in the sequel and i hope they fix the flaws and save system in Dead Rising 2:D. i got around 640 points from dead rising,and i ll get the rest of them next time when i have enough free time to play it :P. and here is a video of dead rising , its a chainsaw video , but its not that chainsaw that i was talking about as this one breaks very soon after 20,25kills :P and dont watch this video if you dont like any voilence.