its been a very long long time that i had a vacation , and if i remember correctly than it was last august that i had a real awesome vacation , and i got an xbox 360 during that time :). and now i feel so tired :(, have soooo much work , hardly get any time 4 gaming , and if i play some games then i miss my sleep which makes me even more tired 4 the rest of the day , i finish my work by 11 at nite , then get some time for either gaming or some gamespotting which usually ends up like 2 or 3 at night . which means i wake up around 11 in the morning , i miss my gym, hardly even get time to meet my friends :( . this routine is getting really bored 4 me , i have even loss some weight , man , i need a break from my routine . so i have decided that i ll be getting a week long vacation :D, but only next month coz i cant leave my work like that and just go on 4 a vacation right now , so i ll limit my work time from now and i ll definately get some good sleep ,after all sleep is important too , but for gaming i sacrifice even that :P ,so i think its time for a change ,and the first thing would be to start getting back to the gym ,after all i need those 24 inch pythons like HHH and Hulkamania :P , and get a good sleep for a couple days , may be then i ll feel a little better :D. i need some rest , but dont worry guys , i ll be still commenting in your blogs no matter what coz i cant leave gamespot :wink:
9000 Achievement Points :)
Well , as you guys know i always enjoy my gaming weekends , this is the time when i hardly go outside my room :P, it starts from saturday night right after partying with my homies at some clubs or at a friends place and ends up monday morning :P, and this weekend was no different ,as it started a bit early :P .on friday i saw spider man 3 , i guess that all of you know how i got those tickets :P, well it was worth it , the movie was awesome , in my opinion it was the best spider man movie ever :) ,and now i may rent spider man 3 for the 360 for some achivement points :P, and speaking of points i break the 9000 mark for my 360 gamercore last night:D ,and it feels so dam good, right now my score is 9170 , which means that i am close to get 10,000 by monday , coz i will definately get 10 k by monday . over the weekend , i played some good games ,and some bad games as well, lets start with bad first , i played X men ,the official game on the 360 and in my opinion , its the worst 360 game ever , its even worst then super man returns was :P, the game is easy , but still boring and sometimes dam frustating , there are no checkpoints or saves between a mission and by mistake if u die during it , you ll have to start all over again :evil: , the starting missions are a hell lot easier , i only enjoyed the night crawler missions ,wolverine missions s*ck big time , sometimes they ll continuosly throw enemies at you and the A.I even s*cks big time , the cutscenes are slideshows based ,which makes this game even more horrible, so all i can say about it is that its a perfect gift for some one you hate :lol: , and next time i wont even think of playing this sick game unless i badly need some points :P .and from now on i would stop playing games like these , and i ll be playing some good games like, Crackdown , Splinter Cell Double Agent, Graw , Saints Row ,and Lost Planet :).
Now on to Marel Ultimate Alliance , if you have read my previous blogs ,then you must have come to know how good the game is ,and over the weekend i played a lot of it ,and its even better than i thought , the level design , voice acting , the storyline ,the gameplay, the lighting effects , everything is just superb ,i unlocked ghost rider in it ,and it was fun to inlclude him in the team, at times alone ghost rider cleaned house in a flash , his chains of flames or should i say blades of chaos were just awesome, overall i enjoyed this game a lot , i also got some points from it which helped me get to 9k points :wink:,and i ll be beating this game soon :wink:.
Then it was time for some gang banging action in Crackdown ,so did i liked it ? , i would say hell yeah , it was freakin awesome :D, its a bit like GTA but quiet different from GTA and Saints Row ,it has a different gameplay , the graphics look awesome , they are a lot like saints row , the sound is awesome ,and the gameplay surely is what makes this game fun to play , the city is split into three parts, There are three gangs, each with seven leaders. You can take on any gang leader at any time, but there's a logical order laid out for you that makes the progression scale as your skills increase. There isn't much difference between each individual gang leader, you just need to get to where that gang head is by either working your way through, around, or over the gangsters that surround the leader, then open fire on the boss and take him or her down. Once you eliminate all seven leaders of a gang, a "final crime" occurs, which is really just a mess of street soldiers wandering around in one specific area. When you take all of them out, the gang is vanquished and you'll no longer run into any resistance in that part of the city. Once you've repeated this process through all three parts of the city, you're done cleaning up the city . right now i have eliminated the First group of gangs and it was fun to do it :P . i didnt checked how the co- op mode was , i ll check that out later . i enjoyed every moment of Crackown :wink:, and i must say that every 360 owner should play this game , its awesome , when its demo was realesed , i had a clear idea of what the full game will be , and i am glad that finally i am finally playing Crackdown, i dont know why the screens dont look that good in this blog, but it definately looks awesome in HD , expect my review on Crackdown soon :wink:. so another cool and awesome gaming weekend 4 the lionhart ,i wish that i could enjoy my gaming weekends with my gamespot freinds too:( , still i can play with some of you guys via Xbox Live :wink:.
Thats it 4 now guys , i hope you enjoyed my blog ,so please hope that i get a vaction soon :), and happy gaming and gamespotting , c ya around ::wink: and a video of crackdown in the end :P , enjoy :wink: