gagan21 / Member

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its one of the best platformers ever

i ve got a new addiction these days with New Super Mario Bros on my DS :D , its just awesome, i ve not even switched on my 360 since sunday coz i am too busy with this game , i just love it :), and its one of the best platformers ever . Mario was one of my first and favourite video games and now its like going into the past with all fresh new look and new gameplay with new super mario bros , there is even a mega mushroom in the game which makes mario bigger and better as he becomes unstoppable for a while ,ramming everything that moves in his path :P  , the games story is still the same as princess peach gets kidnapped at the start and now its Marios job to get her back :P ,the gameplay has changed and improved a lot, i think its only the 1-1 level which is exactly the same but with all new graphics and the rest of all the levels have been changed a lot and if u loved the first Mario game ,then you are gonna like this one even more than that, i can bet on it :D

The main addiction came from the mini games as all the mini games are done with the stylus and ever since i bought my ds ,there was not a single game with me which could be used with the stylus :(,and in new super mario bros , i am having loads of fun in mini games with the stylus :D, and it controls perfectly with the stylus . there are around 25 different types of mini games in 5 different cattegories and all are just pure fun, as it never gets boring at all :P I will recommend this game to any ds owner as this one should not be missed at any cost ,its a must have on the ds. my previous addiction on a handheld console were tekken dark resurrection,gta lcs ,wwe svr06 on the psp, mario kart on the ds and Pokemon ruby (i ve played this game for more than 200 hours when i had my gba :P,i ll do a blog on that game some time soon) on the gba ,and now its new super mario bros . and soon i will be getting my next addiction, which is Pokemon Diamond and speaking off addiction ,i still havent got god of war 2:(. its one of my most addictive and favourite Action/Adventure game of all times . i mean, i was supposed to get that by now ,and my package hasnt arrived yet :(, so i just hope that i get god of war soon :wink:

In the mean time i plan on playing Saints Row Single Player on my beloved Xbox 360 :D and some Mini Games on my DS in new super mario bros. 

Motorstorm Reviewed

I was waiting for a review of Motorstorm as i had planned to buy a Ps3 coz of Motorstorm ,and for me , a  lot depends on its review ,and it got reviewed at ign, click this  link for a review ,

But i am still waiting for a review at gamespot before i make my mind on getting a PS3 next month, i just hope that gs gives me a proper and clear review on motorstrom, so that i can make up my mind in buying a ps3 :D

Kratos Theme

I experimented a lot in photoshop cs 2 last night :P and learnt a lot of new things in it ,like using gradients and how to use a background with images , i experimented a lot and now its a success. i made a new kratos theme for my profile , a new banner , icon and blog header, and now it looks like i am improving with photoshop coz in my opnion my current kratos banner is the best banner that i ve ever made ,and hey i am still confused about photoshop as whenever i make a banner and save it in png or photoshop format its around 1 to 2 mb and gs only allows banner upto 50 kb of size :( and if i save it in jpeg format then the image quality is inferior ,as now i can see that my current banner that i ve uplaoded is a bit dull compared to what i made in png and photoshop format and this same banner in png format is looking very sharp , so guys can u suggest me anything about photoshop cs2,and which is the best format that i should save my images in photoshop for uploading at gs that doesnt compromises in image quality. and  i hope that some of u photoshop experts will help me out on this :) :P :wink: