gagan21 / Member

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Just beat Just Cause ,plus HBK is goin to Wrestle Mania

I Just finished Just Cause on my 360 and its an awesome game :D,the graphics are awesome and there is a very huge island to explore in the game , and its real fun to play, ,the final mission is frustating as usual in video games :lol: :P,but still i found it easy after 3,4 tries :P. the game is short but there are a lot of side missions that u can complete and now i would be completing all the side missions and other things in the game too :D,which will reward me more points for my gamertag :D, i got around 400 out of 1000 points from just cause and now i need all 1000 from it :P and i am sure i ll get it all :wink:  , i also had some fun in GEARS OF WAR tonite with my gamespot friend Shasam712  :wink: and his friends, i only played about 2 arounds ,but still it was fun playing some gears almost after a week :P

Hurrah ,The Showstopper is Going to Wrestle Mania :D

Yes dudes, its official now, Shawn Michaels is going to wrestle mania this year and i am sure that he s gonna win the title 4 me :P :D. i am so excited about this, afer all hbk desreves to be the champ once again :), i also like cena, but when it comes to hbk, no one stands better than him in my eyes :D

So whats the next game that i ll be playing . right now i ll be playing some more side missions in just cause and afer that i ll be completing Lost Planet and may be WWE SVR 07,Nfs Carbon or Dead Rising :D. i ve got so manny games to play :D and so much little time to play :(,i only get time to play at night coz i am busy all day with my work ,and its been awesome for me from the past week  as i beat 2 games in less than 3 days :D and now its almost 5 in the morning :P and i gota sleep now, but before i sleep i got a eat something :P,guess what i ll be eating ?,i am good at cooking :wink:, so i ll be making some Noodles for me :D and then a Hot Coffee :lol: :P :D .  so c ya later guys :wink: :), got a go now make some noodles for me :D and Happy Gaming :)