gagan21 / Member

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just got my copy of Bioshock

I finally got it , thats right guys , i finally got my own copy of Bioshock :)

Bioshock is just freakin awesome guys ,1 of the best games i ve ever played ,the atmosphere is amazing , just mind blowing experience , i ve ony played it for 15 minutes and its a blast playing bioshock ,the game is just freakin awesome right from the start.any 1 who has a 360 or a high end pc should definately get it , but guys be carefull to update bioshock ,there was a patch for it that caused problems in it ,link. so i would say dont update it until its fixed .


i also picked Virtua Tennis today, its a true next gen tennis game , i am loving it , i always wanted to play a next gen tennis game on a hdtv , and now i am having a gr8 time with Virtua Tennis 3 . unlike the ps3 version ,this game has got all the features form the ps3 vesrion ,hardly any diiffernce in grpahics , plus it has online and i am just havin a real good time playing tennis with my firends online . i was never even a fan of tennis :P until i played Virtua Tennis a while back on my friends ps3 and i find it extremely fun , so i decided to get a 360 version of vt3 since most of my friends have 360 version of vt 3 ,and the fact that it has online , i picked up the 360 version , this game can keep you busy playing it for hours and hours , i never knew that tennis could be so much fun :)

in other news ,My Gaming HQ is now done , and now i ll be setting it up over the weekend, so i may not be able to come online on xbl & psn over the weekend :(. and i am as busy as hell as usual with all my work , no time to read most of people s blogs ,so sorry guys 4 not visting all your awesome blogs, i am not active at gs that much now , well i say this now on a regular basis :P.but i just cant do anything about it :(, but after sepetember 24 , i ll be active as usual, and the fact that a ton of gr8 games are coming , starting from Halo 3 , i think i should better complete my office work before sep 25 , and after that take a couple of weeks break for Halo 3 and Hl2 Orange Box :).

and before i leave , i want all of you to watch this awesome mindblowing footage from Far Cry 2 , its awesome , dont dare to miss it :P and a video of Bioshock :wink:[video=6158897]