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Looking For That Special Someone


WoW!:shock:, the Grand Theft Auto IV impressed me a lot :P,i am speechless :oops:,Grand Theft Auto IV is the Next Big Thing 4 sure :wink:. the trailer was just Mind Blowing ,

The first GTA IV trailer was titled "Things Will Be Different," and showed an in-game-engine video montage of the new Liberty City, which is directly modeled on New York City. Its contemplative tone, aided by a Phillip Glass anthem from the art house documentary Koyaanisqatsi, raised the possibility that the forthcoming sequel might not feature quite the same level of ultraviolent criminal activity as its predecessors.

However, the (faint) possibility of a nonviolent GTA IV was shattered today, when Rockstar released the second trailer for the game. Titled "Looking for that Special Someone," the preview shatters any notion that Nikko Bellic, the game's Eastern European protagonist, will be a pacifist. Although Rockstar has given the impression that Bellic will be a reluctant criminal--much like San Andreas protagonist C.J.--the trailer shows that he will indulge in the automatic weapons-aided shootouts that have become the franchise's hallmark.

I Noticed somethings in the trailer , i saw someone being randomly being beaten :P :lol:when they show Niko just walking down the street , i also noticedwhen niko `s walking with the gun by the wall with the graffiti. you can see the corner. there is a painting of El Burro from GTA 3 , i see aguy ordering a hotdog from a Hotdog stand while Niko was walking down the street

I also noticed Niko uses the same car in most of the trailer , and niko ` s wearing a helmet on the bike , which looks phenomenal :),in the begining of the trailer , ther was a place called the 69th street diner . may be its some sort of place where you get missions from , i also noticed that S.W.A.T have N.O.O.S.E written on their backs, dont know what it stands for :P, and the swat team looks dam realistic this time , i expect a really good A.I this time . Cock a Doodle DOO is written on the truck Niko is hanging off which looked really impressive , i can only imagine what stuff we can do in the game :P. i also noticed that when nicko `s shooting, the trunk of the car is open. i think that maybe he gets the gun from his trunk. i could see all the shells ejecting from the gun . that looks freakin awesome man...... :oops:

The damage on the windshield looked dam cool . now i am super excited for this game , and Rockstar said that there will be 3 trailers for GTA IV, we ve already seen 2 awesome trailers , i can only imagine what the third one will look like . Everything in this trailer was freakin awesome ,The Music - Mind Blowing , The Graphics - Superb , The Presenation - Pure Awesomeness :)

This is the Best Trailer i ve ever seen in my life for a video game , the last time i saw an impressive trailer was The First GTA IV , and Halo 3 Trailer . i ve already watched this trailer a thousand times , and i still need to watch it more :P, Coz i am a GTA freak ,Grand Theft Auto IV is my Most Wanted game of 2007 (along with Halo 3 :P )and one things 4 sure , this GTA will be the Best GTA till date :wink:.coz GTA IV`is without a shadow of a doubt The Next Big Thing :wink: