hey guys whats up , hope all of you are doing gr8 . in this blog i will be writing about my life and my most bravest and sweetest friend that i made last january through the internet , she is BB :wink:.now bb is a real sweet and brave person , she has got one awesome sense of humour , and she is a friend that i can never forget :wink:, i came to know about her through my friend Jessica last december , she blogged about bb, that she had just met with a major accident , as an @$***** hit bb on the road with his car and is now in hospital fighting for her life , i read the entire blog and prayed for BB ,i didnt knew bb that time , but from the blog i could understand how nice and sweet bb must be ,then i asked god that why do you always do this to nice people , i ve also had lived a real tough and bad life , and this news just made me very angry , i just prayed to god deep down in my heart that please save her life , coz she is one hell of a sweet person , she is dearer to so manny people , what has she done wrong in life that you are punishing her , she doesnt deserve this :(, i personally asked god , give me some troubles in return if u want to , coz now it doesnt really matter to me as i am used to it , but save this persons life . and after some weeks BB finally opened her eyes and was out of danger :). and i was sooooooooooo happy :D.
it was like having back faith in god , i thanked the almighty for that :wink:,hey do ya guys know , i can actually speak to the almighty whenever i want to, he listens to every single word that i say :), well i dont visit churches and temples too often , but i do know 1 thing , the almighty lives in my heart , so i am not that kind of a guy who shows off like, that i visit church daily , i believe in god , i did these many good deeds , i donated this much ,blah , blah , blah. i am very straight forward , i have unlimited faith in god and i believe that whatever he does , does for a reason ,i believe in myself , i believe in god and after hearing that bb was out of danger , my trust in god was even higher than ever , and i am sure that the almighty is right now reading my blog , but he cant comment in it :P and BB i would like to tell u that i am not the only lionhart around here , coz you too are a lionhart :wink:
Last nite i read BB`s blog that she had returned to her home after 4 months , she explained her story about how it felt like getting back , and how painfull those 4 months were , and how her family and friends welcomed her , and it melted my heart , i cried after reading it , i cried coz i was very happy for her , i can understand that feeling of getting a life back and how it feels when you are back at your home coz i ve personally had a real hard and bad time 6 years ago ,my life was dam so good and suddenly the twiste of fate , i was completely broken up, really bad that i cant explain and at that time i did promised to myself ,that my life is comletely teared apart right now, but i will fight for my life , i wont quit at all , no matter what goes on , i ll fight untill i die, my life almost ended ,my destiny betrayed me that time and i challenged my destiny that i ll get my life back one day coz now you ve got hell to pay and i will get my revenge, it was kind of like god of war 2 `s start if u guys have played it ,you must be knowing what happens with Kratos in gow 2`s beggining.i had lost almost everything that time , my career , my friends , my true love, even my family didnt bothered about me coz i kept them out of my situation , i didnt told them a thing so they never knew what was wrong with me , i didnt had good friends that time.
i also had a bike accident which broke my leg , it was like the final nail into the coffin, almost everything was over but i had the killer instinct inside me and for the first time in my life i saw a very different side of me , and when i saw myself in the mirror , i can see my eyes full of hatred and revenge and my soul trying to tell me that its not over yet , it was like the lionhart inside me telling me that the reinforcements have arrived and together we are gonna finish this fight ,it was a vaction in hell, i felt helpless for the first time in my life and i spent 5 years in hell which i wont share with you guys coz i am sure that all of you ll be depressed and loose faith in god if i share it with you ,but i had always believed in myself and god and i never backed off from this hell and i faced it like a real man and got my life back , thats why i call myself LIONHART. , it took me dam 5 years in the making to get my life back on track in which this gaming world was the biggest factor that got me out of the serious depression and i finally made it just coz i had the belief in myself and the almighty, it felt like , hey dude , you ve won your biggest war in life , now there aint gonna be something that can stop you or break you completetly .gaming can save lives , i feel sorry for people like jack thompson who dont know anything about gaming and always stick thier nose in the gaming world and if some day i personally see him , i would beat the living hell out of him 4 sure:P.
Sorry guys if this blog bored you , but its the truth , infact this breakdown is the reason that i am here , it brought me into the gaming world ,which i ll never leave , in those hellacious years i didnt talked to any of my friends about my sadness, i did had tons of friends but i still felt alone that time, i would just go to my college , spend some time with my friends at shopping malls and after my college i would go to my office , do some work and spent some time on my pc , this was my routine untill one day i visited gamespot.com and saw some games , it was like after 3 years that i read something on games and then i looked for the top most game that time, and it was half - life ,so i bought half-life ,games like max payne and half-life fitted my situation perfectly , and they were the first ones that i played a video game almost after 2 or 3 years, they really got me back into gaming and it was a sign that this is the thing that is gonna help me out , this is the key , this is what i always wanted in my life so bad, so i bought a new pc ,luckily i got a new pc that time coz i was looking after my business and i had that much money to get a new pc with a 32 mb graphics card , and when i beat half-life , i told myself , this is it, its gonna be my life now , its just so awesome , it was a jump from super contra to half -life , it was next gen for me that time and it felt the best dam thing in my life . so this is the story of the LIONHART .
i hope that you ve read my story , it was hell , but the lionhart had the guts to face it and overcome the odds , and look at me now , i am happier and satisfied than ever :), all thanks to the almighty , my mom ,dad for always being there with me , and especially this gaming world that showed me the way to live my life better, i dont have words to thank this gaming world ,and also i would thank gamespot.com for this too, it s so good to be a gamer , and i am proud of myself that i am a hardcore gamer , gaming world is the place where i want to be, and it fells that dam good to be in this gaming world, and if you aint down with this, then DX has got 2 words 4 ya , u know :lol:.
hey wait a sec this blog aint over without a video , and what better way it would be to end with the game that brought me back into the gaming world, enjoy this video of the upcoming half-life game ,Half-life 2 episode 2 :wink:
and this one from half-life 2 (this one s a MUST SEE music video for Half-life fans :wink: )