For those of you who missed the chance to play Halo 2 (one of the best games ever made in gaming history), well here it is now :), Master Chief returns in Halo 2 for the PC Today . so guys,what are you waiting for . get your copy now . Halo 2 for the pc is the same game that Marked the Biggest 24 Hours in Entertainment Retail History with $125 Million in Sales on ther X-box .
Halo 2 for the PC includes Achievement Points , 23 Multiplayer Maps and a Map Editor too, i ve pre odereded Halo 2 PC today :wink: coz i am a halo freak :P, right now i dont even have Vista :P (which is required to play halo 2 on pc ), but still i ordered it coz i ll be upgrading to Vista soon, probably in the coming weeks .
Plus games like Shadowrun supports cross platform functionality between the PC and an Xbox 360 , which is a good thing, and if u dont own a 360 and still wish to get xbox live , then get Vista on pc and play games like shadowrun via a pc with your 360 friends on Xbox Live:) , well shadowrun is just the start , and soon there will be more games on the way that ll be crossplatform . looks like PC Gaming is gonna be awesome in 2007 , and with games like Crysis , Hellgate London ,Quake Wars, Alen Wake , Half-life 2 Episode 2 on the way and already out instant hits like Command and Conquer 3 , Stalker . PC Gamers are in for a treat :wink:
Oh and here are some videos for you guys
Halo 2