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Playing Next Gen Consoles on a 60 inch Plasma is so much fun

hey guys, whats up :), hope everyone s doing good, and having a nice gaming time :D. well i got back last nite from my trip, it was a week long trip , as i had to attend a Expo , well i can say it was Hotel E3 :P , it was huge , i was busy there for most of the time,and i hardly got any time for the internet , thank god i carried my laptop and psp with me , so i never got bored at all.well here are some pics from the event .

I was lucky to get there before the event even started :P the event manager was a friend of my cousin , so we were allowed to get in before the event started :D. so i got the time to take some pictures first :D, it was a 3 day event ,and after some 3 long days i finally got free , i was very tired after the event , there were no booth babes at all on the first day :Plike our gaming e3 :wink:, but on the final day, there were lots of booth babes around ,:oops:, food and drinks. so on day 3 , the only thing i did was flirt with those babes :P and had tons of foods , chocolates and drinks :D.Well guys , sorry for boring you about Hotel E3 , now let my gaming blog begin from here :P.

I stayed at My Cousins place , he has got all next gen systems Ps3 , 360 and Wii :). and a Sony 60 inch Plasma , when i played on it , i was shocked :shock:, it was like playing games on a theatre size screen :P. it was unbelievable, it was like a dream. i started first with the Ps3 with Motorstorm and had unlimited fun playing it , Motorstorm is a superb game and 1 of the best racing games out there on any system,well i had played it before in my 26 inch LCD HDTV, but on a 60 plasma , it looks Mind Blowing . it is the game to get if you have a Ps3 .I love racing games a lot and Motorstorm is my type of game ,that i can play 24/7 :wink:

Then i tried Resistance Fall of Man s Campaign in Co-OP with my cousin in split screen mode , it was fun for a couple of hours , but soon it got very old to us . i mean the gameplay is good , but not superb or ground breaking :(. and the graphics are OK, not that impressive like Gears of War . so we felt kind a dissapointed with resistance , but still it was fun in co-op , online mode is gr8 ,no lags at all .the single player campaign is very short , some gr8 boss fights , driving sequences like halo 2. over all its a nice game ,but not superb or mindblowing at all .

I tried the Wii , and it was awesome , i tried Zelda Twilight Princess, Tony Hawk Downhill Jam, Trauma centre ,Metal Slug Anthalogy,Wii sports ,Super Paper Mario , Warioware . and it was freakin awesome , i enjoyed the Wii more than Ps3 , dont know why , but its true , Zelda is just unbelievable , i just fell in love with that game ,i also enjoyed warioware and super paper mario a lot , these games are must have on the wii,trauma centre was also quiet interesting, i enjoyed the Wii .and i also noticed that the Wii web browser is better than the ps3 s web browser.these Wii game pics are without componnent cables, so i expect some sharpness and some more detailed graphics when tried with a componnent cable . overall my expereince was awesome with both the wii and ps3 . so now i am confussed again to buy which 1 first :( . i mean ps3 is awesome with Motorstorm ,and Wii is amazing with zelda .

Ps3 is good , but where are the games , except Motorstorm and Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Wii is good with games like Zelda,wii sports and Super paper mario , but other games that i tried like tony hawk, trauma centre, metal slug gets old real fast :( ,i liked these games for sometime , but after a couple of days,ifelt quiet bored with the wii . the only game that truly amazed me on the wii was Zelda Twilight Princess and Super Paper Mario. so now i dont know what i ll buy first :P, but one things 4 sure that all 3 next gen systems are awesome :), right now i only have a 360 . and will be getting Ps3 and Wii very soon :wink:.

I also watched the 2 GTA IV Trailer live , i was very excited about it ,and it was the only reson that i carried my laptop with me , coz i didnt wanted to miss it ,and the trailer was worth it :)

I bought some games too , i searched for The Darkness for 360 everywhere , and didnt found a single copy of it :cry: ,but i managed to get Harry Potter :), i also picked Nfs Most Wanted again :P, it was for 12 $ only , so i picked it, i had sold my previous nfs mw disc for 20 $ coz it was ntsc , and now that i have a pal 360 , and the fact that it was only for 12 $ , i bought it and i also saved my 8 $:D.

Right now i am playing Harry Potter Order of the Pheonix on my X360 and i am loving it :oops: , it is indeed a next gen Harry Potter game, i was waiting for its review first , but since i like Harry Potter Movies , i picked it , i dont care what reviews it gets , but i can say that its a must have if you like harry potter ,the story is good, the graphics look awesome, i have already played it for 5 plus hours and i never felt like quiting the game at all ,it is awesome ,and if you ve never liked a harry potter book, movie or game , then do not buy this game :lol:, i ll write more about harry in my next blog ,here are some pics from the game

Just 1 more thing guys, if you love Harry Potter books , movies and have never played its game,and always wanted to play it,then go ahead, get this game at any cost , its the best game in the series , and i am sure that if you are a harry potter fan and a gamer, you will enjoy this game :wink: . alright guys , gotta go now , i have got too manny games to complete on my 360 first before i get my ps3 and Wii :P. oh i forgot :shock:, i have to get back at Gears and Forza 2 too :P