I decided to write this for all the comments in which, people in this consumer industry post about losing faith, and saying nothing is going to change. I believe that we have full and complete control of this industry, and it takes the realization of this control to utterly turn the tables in this industry. The average gaming consumer is fed up with day one DLC's, map packs, add on skins, characters, secret weapons, secret summons, additional levels, cross hairs (SE shame), and a list so long I couldn't even begin to fathom for add on content. The solution I propose is simple. Our rights as consumers are lost in translation on a long lawyer transcribed tombstone that accompanies each and every game we purchase from our local retailer. Which essentially states we're stuck with the product once we purchase it. Which in essence is the truth, but how about we rewind. Let's go back to the moment right before we click pre-order, or walk into our local game retailers, and throw down hundreds of dollars for a collectors edition. All I'm asking is that we stop and think and vote.
The right to vote is a privilege in some countries, and here in the United States a lot was paid for the right to do it. But let us consider that if we treat purchasing a product, like voting that we'd be sending a message to each and every game maker about what we're comfortable with. So far the gaming consumer has voted that he/she is comfortable with day one DLC. The gaming consumer has voted that he/she is comfortable with map packs. And the gaming consumer has voted that they love incomplete games, that lock content behind pay walls. Despite the fact that the forums are ablaze with the exact opposite we vote yes, to the continuation of our misery. So again, the solution points to the simple premise of voting no for this type of content. Wait for the GOTY editions, wait for the huge price drops, wait for the free DLC. Vote no for the types of business practices you don't like, vote against the constant micro-transactions in games by not buying them. The more we buy, the more they will put out, because we are essentially telling game makers, that that's acceptable.
And if we truly want this type of behavior to stop from game makers, then we need to vote. Vote with your wallets, please I implore you, if anything is to change we have to make a stand somewhere, and as a gamer, I know that when enough talented people come together anything is possible.