Seeing everyone make lists got me thinking I should put some thought into my time as a gamer, and really contemplate where I spent a majority of my childhood. Now my list will include games across multiple platforms ranging back all the way to 1985 and the first Nintendo, so ten really is a small amount. Facing scrutiny or mere backlash is expected with a top ten list, but I figured why not, just for the sake of it. So without further ado, here goes my top ten of all time.
1. Golden Eye 007 - Nintendo 64
Now I know it's been fought over for quite some time, but I consider this game a classic in all its glory, mostly for the nostalgia aspects of gaming. Who can forget the first time you sat around with four friends arguing over the golden gun, or laying out the rule that no one was allowed to pick Odd Job as a character. It was really the first time four people could sit around together and sling comments back and forth while blowing each other away. So for that reason it makes my first pick for the top ten of all time.
2. Road Rash Series - Various Platforms
Whats more fun then driving a super powerful motorcycle over a hundred miles an hour up a ramp, jumping a car, kicking someone into on coming traffic, and crossing the finish line to be greeted by half naked women. I mean cmon. And then getting the money to buy an even faster bike for the next race. This game, was just as fun as it was crazy, but thats what made it fun, was the fact that it was so outlandish.
3. Conkers Bad Fur Day - Nintendo 64
You play as a furry red squirrel who swears like a sailor, and fights enemies that came right out of a Roger Rabbit movie. This game was why Rareware inevitably disspeared from the gaming world but, to me, it was worth it. Battling evil teddies and rein-acting Speilbergs Saving Private Ryan was worth every minute I spent playing this game. Leaping into multi player with a samurai sword to massacre zombies, you just couldnt ever go wrong with the craziness that was Conker. To this day Matrix mission, and ending was most fun Ive had in a game in years.
4. Zombies Ate my Neighbors - SNES
Yea there was Mario, and Donkey Kong, and all the others, but why not just a regular dude with a squirt gun, saving his neighbors and getting the girl. What a fun game, to run around endlessly jumping on trampolines and taking down crazy bosses that some how got included in the story line. What's not to like.
5. Final Fantasy X - Playstation 2
This game revolutionized story telling for me. It had depth, it had emotion, it had characters that I truly cared about and was upset to see go. It had secret dungeons, weapons, aeons, and it had so much fun to be had playing it. This is and how a FF game should be designed, implemented, and played. To this day I have yet to see a character most mysteriously fleshed out than Auron, the guys a beast!
6. Halo 3 - Xbox 360
Master Chief ya did good. This entry in the series was just in the right place at the right time. And it was Bungies farewell so of course it rocked. And of course millions of people had fun rocking with it.
7. Silent Death - PC
I dont know if anyones even heard of the game but I sunk so many hours into playing it, that I couldnt not include it in my top ten. Basically it was a online top down space shooter, where you could customize your ships, buy better weapons, form clans, play tournaments, and overall just needed a single player campaign story to make the transition to a shelf.
8. Magestorm - PC
Best RPGFPS I played online, and the fact that its back leaves something to be noted. After many years in hiatus the fan base successfully brought it back due to Mythic Games finally releasing rights to it. And basically it was a first person shooter where you accumulated experience points and leveled up by selecting new a powerful spells. Was great if your akin to allowing game play take precedence over graphically quality.
9. Pokemon Series - Nintendo Gameboy
Who hasnt at least tried to catch em all? I spent more time playing these games then anything else. Favorite pokemon ever Growlith, check! I mean this game was practically the selling feature for Nintendo Gameboy and essentially what carried their hand helds over today. I couldnt not mention the game. And somehow some almost twenty years later Nintendo is still popping them out.
10. Grand Theft Auto Series - Multiple Platforms
No other game paved the way for the sheer amount of freedom this series afforded. I mean sure it wasn't until the third entry in the saga that we saw this, but someone at Rockstar thought it was worth pursuing and were they ever right. Sure violence is this games first name, but instead of fighting the wave of political correctness, and streamlining a genre, this series embraces who it is, and not only excels, but strives for perfection.