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Sweet Jebus!

I've been waiting for this! Now it is here, and I can't play multiplayer...:(

Ah, well! Beggars can't be choosers.

Update: Just play a couple of rounds of MP, and it was sweet!

From my short experience with the game, I can tell you it is quite great. The set-pieces are reminiscents of CoD4 ( which is not bad ), but the shooting mechanic is more akin to the Brothers in Arms games. Your gun recoils badly, and to get a headshot is hard, even if you think that you lined up your rifle perfectly. I already knew some people who are skipping KZ2 because of it.

Whoever said co-op is not necessary is quite right, and wrong at the same time. Let me explain. You do not need another player running and gunning with you to enjoy the game. BUT, there is this nagging feeling in my head, " Wish there are my friends right here, playing with me ". I am crossing everything I can, that there will be coop in the future.

So, see you guys later!