I mostly like to buy Authentic, but of course some games out there are either to hard to find or very expensive. So on those occasions Id buy it digitally.
gallienb's forum posts
I don't think I have ever posted any version of my rig on here before. Ive upgraded so many things since the original build. I think the case is the only thing left from the original. This is the latest version with 980 TIs. Still a few things Id still like to upgrade. Like CPU cooler to maybe some sort of 100i etc version. Also maybe get 16gb more of RAM. Who knows. lol
he is the main character in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. He doesn't really have a name. He is known as Demi-fiend i do believe in the game.
If your going to go for MSI gtx 980ti id get the gaming version. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127889
Has better cooling as well as better out of the box OC. Plus it has the same color scheme as the mother board if your into that as well.
I have them in 2xSLI and they are defiantly worth the extra cash worth the little extra cash
@ojmstr:super bad example video. The video is explaining the difference between the 2 games on the ps4 not ps4 vs pc graphics. he clearly says "all game play was captured on ps4"
Here's a few pics of my rig. I'll show my entire gaming area later but I'm in the middle of rewiring and organizing.
- Core i7-4790 (3.60-4.00GHz)- GeForce GTX 970 EVGA SuperClocked Edition- 8GB DDR3 1600MHz- 120GB Intel Pro SSD- 1TB hybrid ssd- Slim - 8x Multi DVD Optical Drive
Cooler and Graphic card removed
size comparison against the PS4
overview: http://pcpitstop.com/betapit/sec.asp?conid=25723524&report=Summary
whoa! what is that case?! epicly small and doesn't look that bad either! i love it when powerful components are stuffed in a smallest possible package.
Its an Asus built pc. Not sure if the sell the case separately or not. It is a pretty sweet case for sure.
You just got to be patient. I kept checking microcenter's web page like every day to see my local store's inventory of the MSI gtx 970. As soon as i saw it in stock I purchased on site and picked them up on my lunch break. Got 2 of them for $349 a piece. Id never pay more the MSRP especially if I'm going to be buying two of them like I did.
I understand what lundy86_4 is saying, Im surprised that most just dont get it. First and for most i own both consoles so im no fanboy in any way. Here is a little scenario for the dense to understand. IF every store in japan gets only 10 Ps4 but gets 20 xbones. They sell all 10 of there ps4s and sell 15 of their xbones. You walk into the store and see the ps4 sold out and still 5 xbones on the self yet in reality xbones technically sold more at that store right? So basically what Im saying, being sold out really means nothing til you actually know how much had to be bought to be sold out in the first place.
Things like this really suck when they happen, but it seems a little silly to put all the blame on a security aspect that is there to help you out. I mean just look at how many WoW accounts that have been hacked and more specifically hacked by people from over seas. I'm sure if your account was actually stolen by some one in Europe and they locked the account you would be singing a little different tune. Sorry to hear that this happened to you though.
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