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Merry Christmas everyone.

Merry Christmas to all of my friends here on GameSpot. I'm going to make this blog sort of quick so I can start playing the games I received. As you seen on my past blogs, I bought quite a few things. My mother gave me money for Christmas early, so I got a lot of my gifts early. My gifts included Goldeneye 007, a few DVDs that I mentioned in a past blog, and more. I recently got the following...

Art Academy Boxshot

First off is Art Academy for the Nintendo DS. My brother gave me this game for Christmas. I often enjoy drawing, and this game is great for doing just that. You don't have to take your skecth book, pencils, and other art supplies. All you need is the Nintendo DS and the game card, Art Academy.

ModNation Racers Boxshot

Next up, my mother bought me this game, ModNation Racers for PSP. I played a demo of this around summer time, and enjoyed it. I'm a fan of that you can customize your Mod, kart, and even our own track.

Just Dance Boxshot

And last but not least, Just Dance. Even thought it received bad scores from GameSpot, I wanted to gave this Rhythm game a try. I really enjoy Just Dance so far even though I have asthma. :P

Also, I received a Donkey Kong yo-yo in stocking that I thought is pretty cool. Well, thank you reading this blog. Please feel free to comment and again Merry Christmas. :)
