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Idea for a contract killer game.

I was thinking about the hitman games and how cool it would be if there were free roam games in which you play as a contract killer. I dont want this game to be related the hitman series though. I know its a long post.

In it you play as a lowly hitman and you move your way up as you become well known. When i say move up i dont mean to like a US international assassin or anything but you work with more organized big time mobs/gangs. It will be played in first person.

At the start of the game your a nobody. You had big hopes for yourl life but it all went to hell. Now you live in a s hit-hole with only some milk in the fringe and a snub-nose in your back pocket. One day your outside a liquor store when one guy pulls a gun on the other. The next thing you know you pull out the snub nose and pop the guy in the head, no regrets. A while later you get a call back from the man you saved. He sais hes in a gang and wants you to stop by the hideout. You do and thats where your introduced to the contract section. Every now and then there will be hits posted on a bulletin. The lists will include the targets personnal infomation (where they live/what car they drive etc) and reward price.

Inside the hideout is where you purchase guns. Then you can go to the hardware store which acts like a upgrade station of sorts. For example, you can purchase a saw to saw off the barrel of a shotgun. Other ideas are buying tape and soda to use the cans as a sort of one shot silencer. Thats where you can also purchase knifes, wire (for strangulation) etc. Also you buycardboard boxes to hide larger weapons in.The pharmacy is where you buy painkillers to heal and such. The clothes store is where you buy umm clothes.

Heres the big thing though. As the game moves through time (id say 2-3 minutes per hour) your target follows a schedule in which there will be random events. They go to work monday-friday and then stay home for the weekend but evry now and then there will be a random event, like them picking up a hooker which opens up more opportunities for you to whack them. Ill go through an example. Lets say there is a guy that goes to work at a gas station at 6 in the morning. You could break into his house at 5 and take him out, or wait by his car and ambush him as he gets in. You could also where like a ski mask and get him while hes a t work to mkae it look like a robbery. Or you could follow him home and maybe there would be random event where picks up a hooker. Follow him to a back alley and get him and the hooker and make your getaway. Also, like on Sunday he goes to church. Dress in a suit and get him there. And thats just for one target. Think if you had over 30+.

There will also be a sort of evidence, witness, andsuspicious system to make your job a little harder.

Ill take any criticsim and comments or ideas.

So many idiots!

There are so many people saying that they are only renting bioshock because it doesnt have multiplayer! Everytime someone sais that i just want to rip there head off and hump it! If Bioshock had made multiplayer it would have sucked hard and then they would have juts complained about how bad the multiplayer was.

Best Year in Gaming Yet!

I think this year will be my favorite year yet (even if GTA 4 got delayed). Im going to be locked in my house all winter playing-

1. Mass Effect


3. Brothers In Arms

4. Assassins Creed

5. COD 4

I think all of you should get these games considering that they are the more noteworthy ones this year. Thank the developers for putting so much effort into these games by purchasing them.

At last...

Judgement day hasalmost arrived and im so close to moving now. Broadband and xboxl live are coming closer evry second. Not long now...

Sony Killed, Nintendo Slaughtered!!!

I really thought that microsoft won e3, but i wondered if evryone else felt the same way. Apperently they did; Microsoft has won by nearly 10,000 votes to the ps3 while the wii came in dead last. Long live the xbox.

Next Gen Consoles

Ill start with the PS3, most obviously the worst of them all. Sony thought that boasting "stronger" hardware that was capable of pumping out better graphics than the 360, and that was a big mistake. Everyone knows that graphics dont make a good game, but they do help make them better. But if the games horrible in the first place than the graphics are gonna save it. An the ps3 does not have games. Metal Gear Solid may have been a big blockbuster for the ps3 but with great franchises losing their exclusiveness to the 360 (like GTA) Sony is greatly losing its power. They hope to save themselves with games like Heavenly Sword, Final Fantasy, and killzone,but the only reason their getting so much hype is because their reallly all that ps3 owners have got to look forward to which isnt much. A thumbs down.

The wii on the other hand which i got within a year of launch seemed good at first, with its new and exciting motion sensitive controls and unique games. But that wore away all to fast. There are way too many dumb party games coming out one after the other as well as games desinged with children in mind. Games other than that though just feel like the whole motion sensing thing was tacked on and not worked on very well. I thought i could stand this with games like Mario and Resident Evil coming out. As a long term gamer i was wanting more mature titles coming out that i could really enjoy and play for a long time, but nintendo has let me down. They focus far too much on family based games and people who just buy the wii as party entertainment tools. My thoughts as of now, are between thumbs up and thumbs down

Microsofts Xbox 360 is overall the best. The 360 has been out the longest so it definately has the most games on shelves, and their are a few bad ones but overall the majority are just great games. The online service is great as of what ive seen, and now almost evry game comes out with the online playability thus extending the amount of entertainment you get out of a single title. The 360 has failed to dissapoint so far. A thumbs up.