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50 Posts!

W00t! I have reached 50 posts, what an achievement for just over two weeks *sarcasm*. But seriously thats still quite a high post count ratio. 50posts/15 days iv been a member, and thats just a bit over 3 posts a day, which is more than I had planned. I was originally going for at least 1 post per day, but well I guess I have a lot more free time on my hands than I had originally thought.

In other news though, today I played some Burnout Revenge and I am steadily getting through it, although the Burning Laps still annoy me to extreme lengths. I can't seem to get gold on them because you always have to remember shortcuts and constantly repeat the event until you know the track and its shortcuts back to front, and I just don't have the patience to do that. I will probably go back and finish it another time, for I did entirely complete Burnout 3: Takedown, and those were some fun times, yelling and screaming at the game because I just couldn't finish those last few events, but after the 50000th try I finally did it and how relieved was I.