Okay calm down ladies you totally took that the wrong way, for one I play video games, so that immediately brings down my social status. Anyways enough of that, by the title "I'm quite hot!" I didn't actually imply that in the appearance context, I literally mean I am hot like an egg in a frying pan. For it is the damnable summer of Australia, and what better time for my air-conditioner to break *obvious sarcasm*. As you might have guessed by know what I am talking about with my vague clues, so I will stop trying to be cryptic. Sadly its about 30+ degrees Celsius here at the moment, and expected to reach a top of 36, which is about 98F, for all you Fahrenheit users out there. To top this burning hell off, my air-conditioner decides to suddenly act like Windows 98 and die! Thankfully in about 2 hours an air-conditioner repair man will come and hopefully fix the problem, otherwise I will be forced to violently remove his genitals.
Thats enough from me, im just trying not to melt into my seat at the moment, but hopefully this should all be fixed quite shortly, but if not and I die due to evaporation, tell my wife......Hello.