I would just like to start of by saying how amazing this game is, definetly deserved the 9.0 score here. The graphics are stunning and the gameplay is so rich and there is so much variety in the gameplay. I love how there is so many different ways of playing, like you could be really cautious and always hide under cover and really take care when killing, or you can go in there crazy style and blast everything that gets in your way, plus there are stealth parts to it and just an absolute hoard of different weapons to choose from, fantastic game.
Okay enough about how awesome Perfect Dark is, I still cant get over the wireless controllers for the 360, its just so convinient and mess free :D. Well I have school tomorrow sadly, so I wont be able to post on these wonderful forums late into the wee hours because otherwise ill be like a zombie tomorrow, eating peoples brains and what not....wouldn't be too pleasant. So thats me saying goodbye...in a strange way.....yet again.