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gamefreak1505 Blog

Sunday Classes

I know I haven't been around alot but I won't be even more now. I just got a half scholarship to attend a Sunday art class so....yea

One Month!

Its been a month since I meant the love of my life, and I don't regret ine day of it! Yay!

I start school wed. too

Starting soon

I start school in about a week, which me even less of me here (like any of you notice when I'm here or not XP ) and whats worst is..... I see less of my gf too! T_T  I love her so much!

hmmm.... well thats all I got to say later

Respond To The Key

In response to my poem The Key..... I have found the person that holds it......and I think she is perfect......its doesnt seem she'll every hurt me in fact she gives me very sweet complaments everyday and...... I just want to hold her in my arms forever.....feels really good.........I love her so much


if i dont seem like myself for awhile
its just my gf is gonna be gone for like a month or so n i've grown quit attached to her. we cant call each other or nothing, worst part of it is my bday is coming up n all i want is for her to be here with me, but thats not going to happen.

this is gonna be a long month

......Bye Everyone

If u didnt know im leaving for quit a bit so stop sending me union request already......just got things to fix up and a life to live
and from wat i here my good friend morb is leaving too but he is coming back im not sure if i am tho so mite as well demote me now........... and to everyone at my union please dont worry about posting there anymore.......i guess this is bye tell i find myself

End of the Good Days!!!!

Its the end of a good friendship when friends begin to fall in love with friends.
Here is a true story: (using fake names of course):D
Rob my closest friend fell in love with Melissa another one of my close friends. We all use to hang out together in this one spot in school before class started. When they began to go out things were alittle cool. But then betrayal started. Melissa dumped Rob and he was cool about it and so was Melissa but then Melissa best friend, Deanna went out with Rob. Deanna was a friend of mine too. Though I liked her :evil: i was cool about her dating Rob 8) but not Melissa. So she was pissed. Then for some stupid reason another one of my friend, John decides to go out with Melissa. So now they are all fighting and thier is no friendship anymore. This sucks for me because now i have friends that hate my other friends and they are trying to make me choose sides plus on top of that im alone :cry:

so word of advise never go out with other friends unless you want to end up like this

Too Busy bye for a couple of weeks

My life at this point is full of work I am way too busy with school, after school activites, sword training, work, and the list just keeps going so i won't be on for a couple of weeks

I'm going to miss you guys and girls see you soon  
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