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A Few GOTY Awards



I choose Catherine for a few reasons. Chances are if I had played a game I anticipated more like Batman: Arkham City (or the game below) before this, there may have still been a posibility that I would have chosen this game any way. This game took me by surprise. I heard of good things and it certainly looked wierd enough for me to try and tackle, but I didn't expect myself to enjoy the game as much as I did. I loved the story, the characters, the soundtrack, the art direction, and the often absurdley difficult gameplay. It's just the kind of game that I can continue to gravitate toward months after first playing (often to try and get better). I may have played few games that came out in 2011, but I think it's safe for me to say that this left the biggest impact. Now I am ready to play some Persona.



Sonic Generations was, without a doubt, my most anticipated Sonic game. For the most part, I was not dissapointed. There could have been more to the story and the stage selection, but I had a blast playing this game regardless. Both Sonics play great, it features a nice selection of stages and bosses, and the soundtrack is pure awesome. I waited roughly six months for this game's release, and I felt immensely satisfied when I finally got my pre-order. I highly recommend this to Sonic fans and platform fans in general (fun fact: Modern Seaside Hill is my favorite stage and Planet Wisp is my least favorite).



Rather self explanitory really, but why not give a brief summary: It simply didn't need to be released the way it was presented. It falters from a technical standpoint, but also from a gameplay and story standpoint. The shooting was decent, but nothing truly spectacular or rewarding, and the puzzles simply weren't fun due to their design and the game's floaty physics. In terms of story, I'm talking more about the writing. There are very few "laugh out loud" moments in this game. Most of the jokes are stale and some are rather tasteless. What's the best thing I can say about this game? Well, the theme song is awesome.