Wow, I can't believe that my school year is just about over. Time seems to have flown quickly this year (which may be good in some cases). I still have more work to do, but I look forward to the end of the next two weeks. Last night I went to a Drama awards banquet (where I found my girlfriend there :oops: ) and needless to say it was very emotional. My brother won a few awards and even a scholorship :D. I was nominated for something ( but I didn't expect to win since I hardly did much). Toward the end of the ceremony was when the Seniors began to say their goodbyes to the awesome Drama teacher. There were, of course, many tears shed. Seeing them like this made me think about what all I did this year, but more importantly it made me think of what I was going to do next year to leave a nice handprint into my school, something that people can remember me by to make my senior year the most enjoyable. I want to create an animation project for not only the next Drama awards, but as well as something for my graduation. I'm hoping to create this so I can also show it off to you guys.
But yeah, my junior year is just about over and before I know it I'll be approaching the final days of High School.
Cheers ;)