Well I'm now 12 hours into Final Fantasy VIII and I'm done with disc 1. So far I have pretty decent first impressions. This is the third game in the console series that I have played (following FFX and FFXII). I will just go ahead and get a few complaints out. First is the junction system. I don't like the fact that a character has to be equipped with Guardian Forces (summoning monsters) to use other abilities like using magic and regular items. Drawing magic is also mixed. On the one hand you don't have to worry about running out of certain magics since you can absorb them from enemies and they are only consumed one by one. However, only certain enemies have certain magic spells you can draw in, so it can be a bit difficult trying to find a monster that has a magic you are running low on.
Another thing is the writing. Now I personally don't mind the story. I think it suits the Final Fantasy universe rather nicely. The problem is that the writing has a few stupid moments, not only in terms of creating little problems in the story but also for hurting some characters (then again I had similar issues with Final Fantasy X). And finally there is the main character Squall. While I personally don't mind him being sort of a loner and having a focused attention on his duties to avoid being vulnerable, I don't like the fact that his personality centers around being constantly moody, not really showing any other emotion. I'm sure this will change later on but it's kind of annoying and it makes him seem unlikable at first. But beyond these issues everything else about the game is pretty good. The game looks great, sounds great, and has a good battle system (if only the junctioning was better).
Now let's talk Anime :D . I just finished Cowboy Bebop as well as the movie. Both of which just kick too much ass. I will definitely say that this show is infinitely better than 99% of the shows on today (screw you Jersey Shore). Now that I'm done there I am setting my eyes on another series called "Fairy Tail". Don't let the name deceive you, because this show is hilarious. Do check it out if you get the chance. I also have a list of shows I either want to get into or need to get back into:
-Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. (need to get back into)
-Dragon Ball (childhood favorite)
-Full Metal Alchemist (Haven't seen it. Yes, I know, it's horrible that I haven't yet)
-Samurai Champloo (need to get back into)
-Gintama (want to get into)
-Bobobo-bobo-bobo (definitely need to finish because this is funny as hell)
Well, that's all for now. Cheerio ;)