Yeah, I have a tendency to not stick to more current games, and thus I have been missing out on many great games. I have been focusing either on games I missed out on previously or have just been in a bad financial situation. Regardless, I managed to play a few, and here are my thoughts on my "Top 4" games of the year.
4. Asura's Wrath
Fans of grand-scaled, intense anime should certainly look into this. I picked up a used copy one day, and me and my cousin fell in love with it. I certainly wished it focused less on QTEs and more on solid fighting gameplay, but its story and setting more than made up for it. It's a beautiful game with fantastic music and relatively good voice acting. Honestly, I still don't understand why this wasn't just an anime to begin with (it's what this game basically is). If you aren't really a fan of cutscenes and QTEs, I still recommend this as a rental just for the story alone."
3. Shank 2
I was a big fan of the first Shank, and I found the sequel to be even better. This mainly has to do with the control. The control felt more fluid and accessible, and thus made for a more satisfying experience. Other than that, its still a great looking and brutal game that any fan of the hack-and-slash/beat-'em up genre should play.
2.Kid Icarus: Uprising
This umong one of the best games in my (slim) 3DS library. It's a fun, cheesy adventure that had me smiling the whole way through. I loved the various weapons at your disposal that you can also customize. The on-rails sections were fantastic, while the on-foot combat is a bit cumbersom but still enjoyable. Obviously, my biggest grip concerns the controls. You definitely want the 3DS stand for this game.
1.Mass Effect 3
My opinions have changed up a bit since I first reviewedMass Effect3, but not so much in a negative sense. I regarded this as being my favorite in the series, but now I think that the first Mass Effect is about to take that position. Regardless, this is a fantastic game. Say what you will about the finale, but I can't deny the overall quality of the series and how much fun I had the whole way through. The combat is at its best here, the visuals are fantastic, and there are plenty of big moments and set pieces that I rank as some of the best in the series. If you haven't played this game and still wish to, I do advise you to: A) Play the other two games before hand (or at least use the interactive comics), and B) Be mindful of the ending (I recommend downloading the extended cut).
Games I still want to play:
-Dragon's Dogma
-Lolipop Chainsaw
-Resident Evil: Revelations
-New Super Mario Bros. U
-Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Can you guys recommend me some others?
Anyways, cheers ;)