Yeah seriously, is it election day yet? I'm so sick of hearing all this bull**** about the election on TV and the radio its not even funny. Sure there's sports, which of course never really bores me unless its baseball, and TV shows like Bones, Saturday Night Live, Tonight Show with Jay Leno, 24 (in 2009 at least), the list goes on, but hey not everything from those shows are new either. The news has been part of what I watch since I became able to vote, but this election has seriously been covered waaaaay too much and way more than any other election, as far as I remember at least.
Its also all over the newspapers! New York times always trying to make John McCain look bad, Fox News having almost every story on the election, MSNBC talking about how McCain struggles and Obama slips up from time to time, Blogs talking about the good and bads of the two nominees, whatever! Its driving me crazy!!!!!
I will admit though that all this coverage has given me a better idea of both dudes trying to win in November. Its also made me much more afraid of whoever's going to win as well, because this nation's got so many problems on its hands right now: War in Iraq, the economy falling, immigration, education, you name it. I don't know who to trust on what, though I do feel set on voting John McCain, but hey, every Hoosier pretty much does. :) What's worse about this though is my parents often talking about it and my grandparents. Its become part of daily life for them to talk about it, and since I talk and see them a lot one way to another the conversations end up hitting the election. Even with two of my buddies our conversations escalate into that. So pretty much, life lately has been the election 08 because of all this coverage on TV and the radio.
Another thing that drives me nuts though on the election is how everyone keeps saying President Bush will affect John McCain big. Every topic on the election goes to Bush and McCain. What also kills me is how Obama always says "John McCain will just continue the failed policies of this past administration!" First off, why all this talk on failed policies? For six years of Bush's presidency people approved of them, and now because of stupid Dems they think they're failed. They worked for a while at least and they still somewhat do! McCain ain't the same as Bush either Obama! God why did I vote for him on may 6??? I also want to ask, why the hate on the president? First off, they reelected him. Now all this hate is towards him, all because Iraq dragged for longer than a year. C'mon people, WAR MAY LAST A LONG TIME!!! Also, he cut your taxes and you don't pay fed income tax anymore, you should be happy. And another thing, for what he ordered for Iraq and Afghanistan, he did it to protect you all, yet you spit on his leadership for it. Be happy that we havn't been attacked for the last seven years!
Ok now that that's out of the way, I'm getting a drink or something. Bottom line though, when will this coverage cease!?!?!? Let's hope election day comes sooner than we hope, this coverage is killing me!