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My 2008 Game of the Year Awards!!!!!!!

Alright gamespotters, I'm sure those loyal to my game of the year blogs have been waiting for this! This year has been one of the greatest in gaming history, narrowly losing to 2007. I can't stress enough how hard this choice is. I'm taking my time on this one, and hopefully I won't dissapoint. Remember, these aren't all games released in '08, but a good majority are.

10. Medieval II: Total War: This is definately a fantastic follow up to the great Rome Total War games. Sega and Creative Assembly have crafted an enormou, massive, complex, and exciting RTS game. The new setting is spot on and fits the time period perfectly. Castles and large cities fill the beautiful campaign map with life. The battles are still as fun and challenging as they were in Rome Total War. Castle assaults are daunting and costly, and city assaults are as epic and explosive as they've always been. New technologies such as cannon and gun powder are fantastic editions. What I also enjoy is the historical events the game takes from actual history. The Mongol invasion of Europe is as scary and fearful to you as it was to the many nations in that period. You worry that they'll defeat you, so you scramble to defend your cities and castles. The Black Death anyone? Its here too, and its as annoying and costly to your faction as it was back in the day. The few downsides are that it has a steep learning curve even for experienced players of the Total War series. It took a good while for me to get everything down. But its still great, and its why its number 10!

9. Company of Heroes: This game is seriously one of the best RTS's out on the market. Units move from cover to cover, heal eachother, scramble to help repair base structures, and hide out in buildings to avoid tanks. The missions are intense and fun. The graphics are stunningly realistic and detailed. The game is a lot like the Dawn of War series: You're not encouraged to just whole up in your rbase. You're encouraged to get out on the map and take over control points, which contribue to your fuel and ammunition supplies, as well as manpower. The destructible environments are also amazingly relastic and fun to blow up as you go through the many locations of Europe. I recommend this to any RTS fan out there, but be prepared to spend a lot on a graphics card and processor! Maybe even more RAM.....that's why its number 9!

8. Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway: The creators at Ubisoft and Gearbox have once again satisfied fans of the gorwing Brothers in Arms series. They delayed it for two years, and ITS FINALLY HERE!!!!! The wait was worth it, because this game makes WWII still feel like a new concept in games. The strategy elements make it much more thought oriented. One bad move can kill off many in your teams, so watch what you do! The enemy AI is as tough and brutal as its always been in the past series. The new cover system is badly needed so you can avoid them better. The graphics are stunningly realistic, and the sound effects make you feel as if you're in a real heated battle. The slower pace and the way your allies and enemies react give the game a cinematic feel as well. I recommend any shooter fan to at least try this out, it'll be worth it. That's why this game is on the number 8 spot!

7. Uncharted Drake's Fortune: This is a great adventure game that, while it takes from the Tomb Raider series a lot, is still great fun. The puzzles are challenging and fun, combat is fun, while somewhat easy, the graphics are drop dead gorgeous, and the story is action packed and interesting. You will seriously have some great fun playing this game, no matter what genre you are interested in. That's why its number 7!

6. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: This game is definately a AAA game. The conclusion to the Metal Gear Solid franchise is a fun filled, action-packed thrill ride, full of great plot twists and an engaging story. The graphics are amazing, while not as great as Konami made them out to be, but still are fantastic. The gameplay is a lot of fun as well, with great stealth mechanics and when you get caught, its a hell of a tough time getting away! The cut scenes are good, but WAAAAAAY too long! The controls are tight and intuitive, and respond acturately. The problems in the game are, of course, the F***ING LONG cutscenes and players who just start with this one will be totally lost with the story. Its still a fantastic game though, but it didn't live up to my expectations as well as I wanted. It still gets a high spot on the list, at number 6.

5. Super Smash Bros Brawl: The newest and longly awaited sequel to the superb Super Smash Bros Melee has finally arrived, and yes, it lives up to the hype! The game is chokc full of your favorite Nintendo characters, as well as many new ones. The game is fit for everyone, making it easy to pick up and play with anyone. The gameplay is chaotic and fun, with items of terrible power coming down on you and your fiends. The new story mode is a lot of fun and can help you unlock all the characters without playing endless sessions with friends to unlock them. The graphics are stunning, especially on Wii standards. The sound is fantastic as well, with great music and tunes from Nintendo's greatest games. This is truley one of the greatest multiplayer games of the year. That's why it gets a spot on number 5!

4. Call of Duty: World At War: Yeah some of you may remember my blog ranting about how Call of Duty 5 would be going back to World War II. Yeah I was disappointed, but not about the information that came out after! After I heard it was in the Pacific I was ready to look more into it. Once I found out it had the same multiplayer greatness as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, I was even more pumped. I played the beta and was at first a bit turned off because I thought it'd be like going through COD4 again. I finally at some point played it at a friends and thought it was the real deal. It has the same great single player gameplay along with the great visuals of its predecessor. The new take on guerilla gameplay made it even better than I thought. The multiplayer is still as addictive as ever. That's why Call of Duty World At War gets a spot on the short list at number 4!

3. Fallout 3: I had been waiting two years for this game, ever since the gameinformer cover story. The Oblivion engine, while present in the game, seems to work much better in Fallout 3 than even in Oblivion itself. The new VATS combat system is as fun and satisfying as before. The visuals look gorgeous and smoothe, and nuclear bomb explosions (megaton anyone?) look absoluely stunning. THe story is great as well, and the quest structure is fantastic. The side missions are great as well. The one downside is, when you finish the main game, you're done. You can't go back and do other side missions, so you gotta do them as you go through the main story. But still, Fallout 3 is one of the greatest games out on the market, and is at the top at numbe 3.

2. Gears of War 2: THE GEARS ARE BACK!!!!!!!!! THIS TIME IN A MORE EXPLOSIVE, MORE AWSOME EXPERIENCE THAN TWO YEARS AGO!!!!!!! Seriously, this game is superb! This game has several good improvements over the last game: newly destructible environments and cover, better and more fun to use weapons, more story, while leaving you asking questions, and a vastly improved online mode. The campaign is just as fun as the last game, and you will never leave your Xbox 360 until its done. The multiplayer is even more fun, with king of the hill and a better assasination mode called Guardian, where you must guard your guy while trying to down the other leader and pull him back to your base. The game is now up to 10 players, which is a nice inclusion as well. This game is totally one of the best of the year, and should be checked out by everyone. Thats why its the runner up for my game of the year.

1. Grand Theft Auto IV: Let's just get this over with, Grand Theft Auto IV is the greatest game of the year! There's so much to do in such a big environment, such a great story to play through, and millions of side missions that are tons of fun! The game engine is gorgeous, while having a few pop-ins and weird looking places. The gunplay is great, with a great cover system followed by a great targeting system, though it does have a few quirks. The city is massive as well, with so much to do and explore. The story is the best in the series, about a man named Niko trying to escape his past, but is faced with several challenges with his cousin Roman's gambling problems and involvements with the Russian Mafia. Its a thrill ride through the whole thing. Multiplayer is included and has a variety of modes. Cops and Crooks is the best though, because its so much fun to be a cop and chase after people in police cars and to be a criminal to try and outflank and take down the cops. Unfortunately when I tried paying it I never had big games for some modes. But still, the single player alone is what makes this game so great, with its fantastic story, expansive world, and its many things you can do. That's why Grand Theft Auto IV wins Gamefreakwill's GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

Honorable Mentions: Guitar Hero World Tour, Rock Band. These were great fun and full of variety, but couldn't match the greatness of these ten games above. I still recommend them for any music fans though.

I hope you guys like the list. Post your thoughts and give me your opinions!