On Monday it was my birthday, turned 26. It was pretty good, got a few things, not too much though because its close to Christmas and I'd rather wait for then to get better things. I got two games, Super Mario Galaxy and Call of Duty 4, and a stratocaster guitar signed by Johnny Lang. Really awsome guitar too...
So a lot of you are probably wondering, how are SMG and COD4? Well COD4 is AWSOME!!!! Singleplayer is a little short but its well paced and has tons of variety in it. The sniper mission is one of the most unique missions in game history in my opinion. Multiplayer is just as awsome as the beta was. (I got a code from Gamespot to get into the COD4 beta) All foes who come up against me in it usually go down, unless they get some cheap kill. Little lag in it too, and maps are great. Now, Super Mario Galaxy is........AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, ROCK SOLID, AAA!!!! Gamespotters, that game is probably the number 3 game of the year this year. Its got amazing gameplay to boot, beautiful visuals that even look better than some 360 games, nostalgic music, and great production values. Its easily the best platformer of all time, next to Super Mario 64 and the older Super Mario Bros games. Expect a review for both games very soon, and a review of Halo 3 sooner or later.
The stratocaster guitar is pretty awsome. Bought an amp on Monday to be able to play it at its full power. I still need to tune the thing so it doesn't sound like crap either. I also need to find a strap, I'll need one eventually. Still, its a great guitar, and I'll definately get that Beatles book out to learn some of their tunes on it as well.
Overall I had a pretty good birthday. And hey I'm not even a year over 30 yet! XD Just kidding to all you spotters out there who may be. Anyway keep on the watch for a SMG, COD4, and H3 review soon. And yes I'll be hard on them, but each one deserves a score above 9 anyway XD Later gamespot, and read my previous blog! Its got hilarious videos I linked to youtube!!!