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gamegirl55 Blog

Playing Tron Legacy on the DS

Hi everyone! Well I haven't posted anything in a while (again!) so I thought I would post something today. I'm now playing Tron Evolution for the Nintendo DS. I really like it so far. So far it's been difficult (for me anyway), but not so difficult that I've gotten frustrated with it and put it down. I play a lot of different games at a time because I play whatever I feel like playing at the moment.

I mostly play DS games now because I don't have any of the 3rd generation gaming systems like XBox 360 or PS3. Now both of those systems have been out so long, I figure that I might as well wait for the 4th gen systems and buy one of them!

Well that's all from me today. I'll try to get back on more often so I can talk about the other games I'm playing. Take care and I'll catch you later!!

Playing Harry Potter Lego Game Now

Hey there everyone! Okay, now I've been playing the HP Lego game and it is really fun! The cut scenes alone are worth the price of the game! ^_^ I'm trying to out run Fluffy and get to the Philosopher's Stone. It's tough though. My reaction time is not the greatest. ;-> But hope springs eternal! :-)

I hope to add a few more games to my collection in the comingmonths. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 1 for the DS and the PC. Ghost Trick (which doesn't come out until January. :-/ Still got quite a wait for that one.). Crafting Mama and Cooking Mama: Shop and Chop, you know I have to have my Mama games! Well I know what I'm going to tell Santa I want for Christmas. ^_^

I'll write more soon. Catch you later! :-D

I love the PC Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Game!

Okay, I know I talk about the Harry Potter games a lot! I'm a big fan of the books and the movies. I've played every HP game for the Gameboy Advanced and the DS. The only one on the handhelds that was any good was the one for Prisoner of Azkaban.

Anywho, I had to see if the PC game for Half-Blood Prince was any good. I tried it. BAM! It was cool! I just finished playing it last night. It was so much fun! Way better than the DS version. In the PC game, you get to go through the story just as it was in the movie. You play as Harry of course and you get to wizard duel, make potions, fly in quidditch matches and roam around Hogwarts castle (which is a pretty extensive setting too). I think some of the characters could have been better done (facial features, clothes, and stuff like that), but all in all it was a good game. I'm gonna play again probably so I can keep dueling, playing quidditch, and making potions. Good job on the PC version EA. Now if you could only get the DS versions cooking with something fun!

Now having said that, I'm off to start playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on my DS. This one looks like a winner! Catch you later! :D

Lego Harry Potter Game Delayed to June!

Arrgghh! The Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 game has been delayed until June! I was really looking forward to getting my clammy hands on that game in May. I am very distressed about this.

Anywho, I'll be picking it up in June for sure. From what I've seen of the gameplay videos and the trailers, this game will be way more fun than the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince game that EA Games released last year. To put this simply, IT SUCKED BIG TIME! I didn't finish playing it I was so disgusted with it! EA Games doesn't even know how to make a good HP game. The games get worst and worst with each release.

Lego never disappoints with their games. I'll be glad to get my hands on the Lego HP game.

Catch you later!

Hey! Hey! I'm still here!

Hi everyone! Let's see...what games have I been playing lately? :roll:

1) Igot Prof. Layton and the Curious Village for Christmas. I've been playing it on and off, but sometimes I find the puzzles frustrating. That said it is a pretty neat little game.

2) I picked up Luxor for the DS a little while ago. I love it! You can get a little shot of Luxor even when you can't play on the PC. It's pretty much exactly like the PC version so it is really fun to play!

3) Been playing a lot of casual games lately. Games from I love casual games because they are not big time suckers. I play mostly hidden object games. My second favorite type of casual game is the time management ones, but if I play them to long, I end up with a hurting arm and shoulder!

I'm looking forward to playing a game called "Rooms: The Main Building." It's due out next week (March 23, 2010) and it sounds really interesting. It's a slider puzzler that find your character locked in a room in a mansion and he has to find his way out by going to different rooms in the mansion. Looks pretty cool.

A couple of PC games I want to check out are "The Filmmaker" and "Rhem 4." Both are exploring puzzle games. I love those kinds of games! Ever since I played the original MYST, I've been hooked on them! So I'm looking forward to finding some new ones to play.

Anywho, I think that's it for me right now. Talk to you soon. Laters!! :D

Whoa! It's been a while since I posted here!


It's been a while since I posted on my blog. I've been playing DS games exclusively because I don't have any of the 3rd generation game systems to play with. So the DS has become my best game playing friend! :D

Games I've played over the last few months:

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Hated it!!! I didn't even finish playing it. It was sooooooo boring. The HP games get worse and worse everytime they come out with a new one. I don't have much hope for Deathly Hallows and the most irritating thing about it is that they may split it into two games since it's going to be two movies. :evil:

Gardening Mama - Like Cooking Mama but with plants! I love it! It's a lot of fun.

Zoo Keeper - So fun! It's a matching game like Bejeweled with these funny little animals. It's very fun!

That's just a few of the games I've been playing. I'll be back to talk about a few more. Laters!! ;)

I've Become Addicted to Cooking Mama!

Hello everyone!

I just thought that I would purge myself of the truth before I have a surprise intervention happen to me. I am addicted to the DS version of the Cooking Mama game!

I don't really understand how it happened. I recently bought myself a DS and I'm really happy with the system. The first DS game I bought was Cooking Mama. It looked like fun and I had heard some wonderful things about it. So there I was with my new DS and new Cooking Mama. From the first time I played it, I HATED IT! I just found it frustrating and maddening. I couldn't really tell what I was doing wrong with many of the recipes. So I became very angry and put the game down promising to never pick it up again.

But when you've got a new game system that you like and only one game to play on it, yes that's right, I gave in and tried Cooking Mama again. After getting a much better idea of what I was doing wrong with the game, I began to have an easier time playing the game. Now I'm totally hooked on it! I'm striving to get gold medals on all of the recipes. And believe it or not, there are a lot of recipes in the game. New recipes are added to your cooking station as you continue the game. There is also a way to make combined recipes from the ones you have already cooked successfully.

So now I spend at least a few hours a night with my Cooking Mama game and I enjoy every minute of it. Even if my angry curses at a difficult recipe should seem to state otherwise. I would recommend this game to anyone. If you can stand a little frustration at the beginning and keep playing, you'll get a lot of fun out of this game.

I'm off now to challenge more recipes so I can have a gold metal on all my recipes. Cooking Mama I will defeat you! Hmmm, sounds like I should be playing some other type of game. A war game perhaps? Naw! Cooking Mama my darling here I come!

URU Online to Die Again!

Uru Live is being canceled by Game Tap. I don't understand it! They said it was for business reasons, but since everyone who pays to play on that website pays to play everything. Why should URU be canceled for business reasons?

I am crushed again! This will be the second time I have missed out on playing URU Online. I guess it was just not meant to be. This will be the end of the MYST franchise for sure. It was a great ride though! I'll really miss the chances to go to new worlds created by CYAN, INC., but everything changes. Even though we would prefer that they don't. :cry:

Thanks for the wonderful ride CYAN! It was great! :D

I'm Beginning to HATE Nintendo!

Nintendo is killing the Game Cube and the Gameboy in favor of the Wii and the Nintendo DS. The next two Pokemon games are coming out for the DS and not the Gameboy. And the next Harry Potter video game is coming out on the Wii and not on the Game Cube. I won't be getting either of those systems for some time to come! Until now, I have bought every Pokemon game for my Gameboy and the HP games for my Game Cube. Now I won't be able to get those games until I buy the new systems. I hate Nintendo right now!  :evil:
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