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Playing Harry Potter Lego Game Now

Hey there everyone! Okay, now I've been playing the HP Lego game and it is really fun! The cut scenes alone are worth the price of the game! ^_^ I'm trying to out run Fluffy and get to the Philosopher's Stone. It's tough though. My reaction time is not the greatest. ;-> But hope springs eternal! :-)

I hope to add a few more games to my collection in the comingmonths. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 1 for the DS and the PC. Ghost Trick (which doesn't come out until January. :-/ Still got quite a wait for that one.). Crafting Mama and Cooking Mama: Shop and Chop, you know I have to have my Mama games! Well I know what I'm going to tell Santa I want for Christmas. ^_^

I'll write more soon. Catch you later! :-D