Must be the online aspect, you cant pause the game plus people trash talk a lot and you get this revenge feeling but in the eyes of a mentally unstable person that revenge and humiliation can lead to violence to the closest physical object or annoyance around you. I think thats what the real problem was here. I admit I get annoyed when someone asks me to do something during my online matches but after its over I don't start another match until I do what is asked of me if you can't walk away from your game or separate yourself from that fictional world then you shouldn't play games cause they are taking over your life and blurring your vision on reality and priority.
I dont think backwards compatible is to much of an issue I mean when I got the 360 I was kinda mad at first cause some of my old games didnt work on 360 but I got over it cause there was better stuff out and a few made it in cause they updated it and XBLive is more confined I'm sure if someone really wanted to play a game someone will hack the crap out of it and it will work then download the hack tada!!! but you have to make sacrafices if you wanna push things further I dont see them making a window 95 game thats on CD work in a new OS on a computer that doesnt take CD's anymore and has a different way of reading source content in the next few years things are progressing and there will be losses on the way its something we have to deal with and learn to except, plus look at Crysis are you seriously going to complain about backwards compatibility I mean yeah I love playing classics but its not ganna hold a candle to something like Crysis not to mention thats one of the first good looking games and its already looking like that on a OS thats not even out yet wait till its out and they start getting better with it then games will look even better and play better than Crysis same with 360 they havent touched it capabilities yet I think there either saving it for PS3 compotition or they havent yet to get the jist of it yet to make games mint so if you want classics keep a different computer or either have an option of what OS to start up on bootup.
Oh and I made it to the end of Ikaruga with gameshark thats the only friken way I swear thats the only game I intentionaly cheated with others like golden eye and stuff were fun hacks.
OH OH OH and the Original Master of Orion for the PC such a cool game and Heros of the Might and Magic 2, Blood and magic pc. oh and a custom made MUGEN its a fighting game were you can add your own characters.
#1. Cubivore [GC](Kinda Rare Now Plus was Kinda Fun Like Ikaruga Im Mad I Traded That In) #2. Perfect Dark and Golden Eye [N64] (Last games Rare made for Nintendo and that were kick ass) #3. Lots of old RPG's for the [SNES] like Dragon warrior's, secret evermore, secret of mana, final fantasy's and more. #4. Grand Theft Auto from the original to now. #5. Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition for [GC] I'd put halo on there but almost everyone has it its pointless to wait on a top 5. along with Metal Gears and Marios there expected. if you wanna know what games I have or played hit me up on AIM---> Xx GaMeGoD 20 xX
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