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gameguru001 Blog

I'm back.

Hey everyone, how is it going? A lot has happened over my "disappearance" some good, some bad. Well at least I'm still here living life. ^^ Anyways, I'm in Florida for a few months, cuz a family member of mine has a traveling job, something about being a nurse, and offered to take me with them. Of course I accepted, I mean I can go to the beach when ever I want to enjoy the um.... "splendor of nature", if you get what I mean. Heheh. ;) Though, since my PS3 was first run, it broke down as I tried to play GOW3 that I rented. So I'm going to have to raise the money for a new one. x.x

Well in any case, I hope everyone is doing well. ^^

Just finished Persona 4!

Like it said, I just beaten Persona 4, but.... something just dosn't seem right. The MC just got on the train and left and somethings telling me its not over! Am I crazy or what? Someone please tell me thats not it!

Just board.....

Hey everyone, I'm making this blog just because I felt like it! xD I probibly sould have said this earlyer, but I have a PS3 now sooooo .....yeah! Well, I might as well make alist of something. *shrugs* But not right now! If you guys and girls have an idea on what I sould list, feel free to tell me! Well, I'll just ....... I don't know maybe saw some heads off of some grubs, (if you don't know what I mean, see Gears Of War) later.

For real this time!!! XD

Sorry bout that last blog. Some "friends" got a hold of my pass word and thought it would be funny to mess with my account!! :x Anyway, I hope everyone is doing good and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! XD (Eats turkey I one bite)

For real this time!!! XD

Sorry bout that last blog. Some "friends" got a hold of my pass word and thought it would be funny to mess with my account!! :x Anyway, I hope everyone is doing good and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! XD (Eats turkey I one bite)


Well, I'm finally back. I hope everyone is feeling good. Sence my last blog post things have been going too well for yours truly. I found out that I failed my A.C.Ts, my friend, whom I've known sence 4th grade and I love like a sis, her little bro dyed, and my grandmom is thinking of doing herself in!! :( So, needless to say things are looking pretty bad on my end. Anyway, I'm going to be here for a few days at least, so if you want to talk, go ahead.

What is up!!!! XD

Hellooooooo Gamespot!! I'm back from the real world, sorta! XD Alright good news and bad news. Lets start with the bad news! I have the worse case of writers block in history. Yes, I write short stories, but don't form a mob until I'm done with the blog, thank you! Anyway, for some reason I can't find any inspiration for my stories. If there any other writers or artists who would like to share some advice, please do! OK, good news time!!! :) First, I have taken my A.C.T and hopefully I A.C.E.D it (I know, bad joke)! Finally, I can comment on blogs now!!! I know its not that big of news, but I feel its important to express ones opinions unless said opinion is hurtful. So, its good to be back andI'll be here of the remainder of the week! If anyone has any questions for me go a head and ask! Oh, and now you form a mob! * runs from mob* LMAO XD

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!! XD

Hello everyone, like the title said, I'm back! First of all, I want to apologize to my friends and guild members for worrying them with my absence and if I didn't worry anyone I have to try harder next time :twisted: (just kidding ;P)! Anyway, I'll be here for the remainder of the week, so...... ya. If anyone wants to ask me something, post a random saying, or just say hi, knock yourselves out (not literaly of course XD)!!

What I've been up to!

First things first, The awansers to Q&A!!!! To Colmillos: No, I have not see Kingsport, my favorite color is blue, I am tried of playing Disgaea 2 (it goes down hill once you hit lvl. 9,000), I wish I could live Tokyo! To Macrules: I love to eat Mexican food (or any type of spicy foods)! To SciFiCat: Well, I have found one that I liked and I don't know how to make one myself. :( OK, second order of buisness!! I have just joined a unique site called!! I won't spoil the suprise so be sure to check it out if you like vampires and/or werewolves!! 3rd, I've finally graduated, got a Wii as a grad. gift and on top of that............ I AM FREEE!!!!! XDXDXDXD Oh, and sorry for taking so long to respond to your questions. I have to use my family computer because mine with broken and this has dial up and won't let me post any comments. :(
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