I'm going to start off this blog right away by stating, promising in fact, that I'm not going to trade in my PSP again. If I did it would be the third time and I would deserve to be banned from ever owning another Sony system. Here is my dilemma though: the games coming out for the PSP really suck/are basically non existent. It really seems to me that Sony just basically stopped caring, maybe they're already hard at work on the PSP2 (I hope they are), but it seems like all of a sudden PSP just up and dropped dead. It seemed promising for awhile too. I remember when they had all these great games starting to come out after they went around to publishers and made a big push for new games on the system, now it seems that "golden era" died abruptly. Honestly, the only other game that I want for the PSP is Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, that's it. I'm not even mildly interested in any other PSP game that is coming out soon or has been announced. It's gotten to the point that I haven't even bothered to look and see what getting released on PSN every week in a couple months, I even let my subscription to 'PlayStation the Official Magazine' expire. Oh well, I guess that's what happens. Anyway, in other news:
A couple months ago I finally got my hands on the crown jewel of my video game collection, the limited edition Japan-only Final Fantasy IV Advance Game Boy Micro!
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I've been wanting to get one of these for a long time and it cost me a lot of money but it was definitely worth it, after all the GBA is my favorite system of all time. Anyway, I guess that's it for this time, feel free to leave me a comment if you like my Micro or about anything else. Send me a friend request if you want too, I'm a pretty nice guy and I'll even message you if you want to talk about games. Also, as always my games list and now playing list are constantly updated so feel free to check them out if you're curious what I've gotten lately or what I'm playing.