While i was sitting around contemplating the things that matter in life the other day two very important things occurred to me. First, i should really start keeping a list of video games that i beat, a) because i really don't beat games by the truckload so when i actually do its usually a pretty important event to me and b) because it would be nice to be able to look back and see what date i originally beat a game on and how many games I've beaten to date. The second thing that occurred to me is that every year i **** and complain about how there's never any good games coming out in the summer months, well duh, i should be doing what every other gamer does and use the summer time to finally catch up on all the games that I've been stockpiling for most of the year and haven't finished. Getting back to me not finishing very many games for a moment, the reason why that is i believe is because i get so many games during the year that i usually will play about halfway through a game before i start playing another game and completely forget about the first game, hence me not finishing too many. Well you'll all be happy to know (or, more than likely, not really give a crap) that since i really started to buckle down I beat more games in July than I ever have in one month. My total for July is 4, Metal Gear Solid (PS1), Pokemon Platinum (DS), Rock Band Unplugged (PSP) and Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS). I also beat The Legendary Starfy but i was one day too late to be able to add it to my July total. What I plan to do now is to continue catching up on games that i've let fall by the wayside this year such as Fire Emblem: Dragon Sword, Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and maybe finally start playing Star Ocean 2, i haven't even opened it yet. So to summarize, the summer sucks, you might as well catch up on old video games before September comes and the rush begins again.
P.S. Scribblenauts already looks like GotY material!! I can't wait.