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Vote For Nintendo This Election Day!

It's been 2 1/2 years since my last blog post (I dont know why) and not much is new with me, you might even say that gaming wise im the exact same as i was in my last blog. I still love Nintendo, i still play my GBA games and DS games but there are a few new changes. I was lucky enough to track down a brand new Game Boy Micro, if you've never tried one then i highly recommend it, its easily my favorite device to play GBA games on. I've also got a PSP now (3rd one) and i vow to not sell or trade this one because im actually having a really good time with it this time due to better game purchases on my part and being able to buy games off of PSN. Also, i've started using my PS2 and Gamecube again for the first time in probably almost 3 years and i guess that's gonna have to be good enough for me because there's definitely no new consoles in my immediate future. Anyway, on to my state of the games address:


Still my favorite system of all time and surprisingly i think the system that i've gotten the most games for lately. As i said before, i got a Micro and that has definitely made we want to play GBA again and hunt down games that i didnt have. I'm not sure if my GBA collection will ever be complete but i now have more games for this system than any other that i own and i even have some really rare ones like Ninja Five-0.

Nintendo DS

I've been playing some really good games for this system like Clubhouse Games, Contra 4 and The World Ends With You. I would really recommend that last game to anyone who hasn't tried it yet, it's very different from most games. I'm looking forward to the new Guitar Hero that comes out later this month but the game that i'm most looking forward to is GTA: Chinatown Wars. I loved the GTA game for the Gamboy Advance so i have high hopes for this one too, i was hoping it would be coming out for the holidays but i guess not.


As i said, i just recently bought my 3rd PSP and am having a really good time with it. I cant really say which games i'm looking forward to because i just got it pretty recently so i dont know much about upcoming titles. I bought Castlevania: SotN and Twisted Metal 2 from the Playstation Store which means that i also had to upgrade my memory stick but i think selling downloadable legacy games is a great idea.

Well thats it for this time, hopefully it wont take me as long to post again. Feel free to check my game collection list, i always keep it current.