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gamemaster_ca Blog

A Message to China.

This Post is to the Government of the Peoples Republic of China


Or you might find that their won't be as many Athletes at the the next summer Olympics in you Nation.

Game X is the Movie Y of Video Games

After hearing the HotSpot one of the Callers Said that Manhunt 2 would become the Emanuel in Space of Video Games.

So I pose this Question.

What Game would you compare to what Movie?


Dalkatana is the Phantom Mennace or Attack of the Clones of Video Games.

E3 2008 Hopes

With the End of E3 2007 I have some thoughts on hoe they should do E3 2008.

1. Move it from Barker Hanger to a Bigger Location (Not LACC Big). Place that can Hold a Maximum of 20000 People.

2.Make the Show Floor Open to the Public. Also setup Hotel Rooms Like you did this year for the Videogame Press(Gamespot,IGN,Etc.)

3. Send open Invation to game Publishers and make sure to get a Great Price for booths for all of them.

So with that I hope that the Next E3 Will Be good for the Public, good for the Publishers, and good for the Media.

Recap From Sony.

Well Sony Is Done As Far as Their Press Confrence goes. My Thoughts.

Overall What they Showed and said We're Pretty Standard Even though Lot of it Looked Very Cool. I will Wait for a Price Drop From Them though. I am Not Paying $659 For A PS3, or $549 for one With A smaller Hard Drive.

On to the games. The ones that Impressed Me were.

-MGS4 (As Well as Everybody Else)
-Ridge Racer 7
-Heavenly Sword
-Genji 2
-Eight Days
-Sonic the Hedgehog

And About The Controller


Yea They Stole some of Nintendo's Ideas For Wii but Not Everything.

Nintendo Is Next.

We're Ready For The E3 Flood

Well E3 Unofficilaly Starts Today With the Sony Press Confrence and I can't wait to be overwhelmed with Info and ScreenShots and Movies.

My Expectations for the Press Confrences are.

-Price Point For The System Between $400-$500USD
-Updated KillZone 2 Trailer
-God of War 2
-A Redesigned Controler

-Playable Wii's on the Show Floor
-More Consoles (and Computers) for the Virtual Console
-Twilight Princess Release Date
-Price Point Between $150-$200USD

-Continued Support For the Xbox 1
-Gears of War
-No Microsoft HandHeld
-A Price Drop in both Xbox and Xbox 360

Other things I like to see At E3
-All of the Wii Games
-All of Atari's Games
-Intellivision Lives (DS)
-UT 2007 (PC, PS3, Any other Platforms)
-Many other Games

So Lets Get Started With E3.

Wii Do I Like IT

Well This is the Time for my first Blog Post and I dedicate it to Wii

For the Last Few Days I Have been Hearing Some good and Lots of bad things about the Name of Nintendo 's New Console called Wii (formerly Revolution) While I Like Revolution better Wii is better Than the Fake names for the console like ON or GO (even though BlueWave and N5 are also Better than Wii), and I will be able to Live with it and I can Laugh at the Toilet Humor surrounding the Name. I know I am buying it no matter what they Name it and you should too because this console will be the hottest console because of what you can do with the controller and the Virtual Console (which I hope you can Download Atari 2600 Games on it). In summary While I get what Wii is standing For they could have Done it a better Way.