Yall need to watch / read Mysterious Girlfriend X if you like romance. Yes fanboy here.
gameplaya9's forum posts
I've only ever given money once to a guy who was just wandering around near a highway holding up a sign that he was recently unemployed. It was only a few bucks but I like to think if I was ever in that situation other people would do the same.
Well it's been settled... We must pay for the sins of our ancestors by renouncing our dignity and admitting that Caucasians are responsible for all the ills of the world... After all it's impossible for anyone other than white people to be racist.
Call of Duty died WAY before Advanced Warfare. Probably after MW3.
Anyways as one generation grows tired of it the new 12-13 year olds with their first console populate the game which is why it continues to sell well.
Do they complain about you having an addiction? Also Is it a valid complaint i.e. do you actually play enough hours that they have a point?
I know some girls are pretty “hostile” if you will when it comes to guys playing video games multiple hours a day especially if they want to spend more time with you or feel you should be doing something more productive.
The reason I bring this up is I came across this ridiculous article on my FB feed. This lady is kinda crazy but here's what she says:
"There is absolutely no respectable, attractive, admirable, or manly quality to playing video games, PERIOD. In fact it is one of the most selfish acts a so called adult male can participate in because you are turning away from the real world to spend your time in digital fantasy lands. I need a grown-up in my life. Someone’s whose going places and will take me along for the ride."
Full article here.
Personally I view video games as a hobby I do on my own free time which shouldn't be judged by others especially if they replace one time wasting activity with another. I've been playing for years and I don't know if I can be with someone who actively hates one of my biggest hobbies or wants me to quit.
What's your personal experience with this? Or a better question, how do you deal with it without the two of you falling apart or is it destined to happen?
Yeah.... we should probably stop having recent college grads and teachers in their 20s teaching high school students. Not saying this will stop these types of cases but damn,
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