Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Gamepro4469's Score

War of the Monsters


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2


The Outfit


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


Star Wars: Racer Revenge


Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption


Star Wars: Empire at War


Project Gotham Racing 3


Perfect Dark Zero


Ninja Gaiden Black


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Mega Hits!)


MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (Limited Edition)




MX vs. ATV Unleashed


Hexic HD


Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack


Halo 2


Halo (Xbox Collection)


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


Gears of War


Front Mission 4


Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)




Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest


Empire Earth


Devil May Cry (Platinum)

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Deus Ex: Invisible War


Dead or Alive 4 (Platinum Hits)


Call of Duty 3


Call of Duty 2


Black & White: Creature Isles


Black & White


Battlefield 2142


Armored Core 3: Silent Line


Armored Core (PlayStation the Best)

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Age of Mythology


Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings


Age of Empires Gold Edition

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ATV Offroad Fury 2


ATV Offroad Fury

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