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gamer-guy-adam Blog

Watch dogs

I just watched the trailer and the E3 game play of watch dogs for the first time, this game look amazing! i think this could be in the running for GOTY to rival GTA 5 with is my prediction for GOTY. I completely missed Watch dogs at E3. Its made by Ubisoft who are one of my Favorite game makers so i am hoping it will live up to the past games by Ubisoft. i don't really understand what is going on in the game other than you can hack phone, CCTV cameras and traffic lights with is pretty cool.Really looking to this game now i have seen it. comment and let me know what you think about this game will be like or any information about it. cheers :)

Far Cry 3 done!

so yeah iv just finished the story on far cry 3. all i can say is the story is epic! its gripping and made you actually care about the characters. the way they made you feel the pain of Jason through out the story and the way you saw Jason evolve from a quite shy scared all the time guy to a crazed gun wielding, people hating mad man with warrior tattoos kind of guy was amazing. the people you meet along the way are as crazy if not crazier and with great personality's with is really cool that Ubisoft haven't just focused on that kind of stuff with the main character. all in all this is one the best story lined games iv ever played.If you haven't played/got this game you should pick it up my rating for is this game is 10/10. i hope Ubisoft makes more great games soon off to play AC3 now. cheers

top 10 games that are going to rock in 2013

here is my top 10 game that i am most looking forward to in 2013. #10. BioShock Infinite- this game look beautiful with its floating cities to explore. Hopefully it will live up to the story of the first two games. #9. Gears of War Judgment .Never been the biggest gears of war fan, but i played the 3rd one and it was very good. Good enough for me to go back and play the other ones. lets hope judgment will bring back the chaos from the trilogy. #8.Splinter cell Blacklist. watched this game get announced at E3 on my Xbox and got blown away. this game looks amazing. #7. Tomb Raider. im guessing any gamer who grow up in the 90s who played the original tomb raider games if looking forward to this remake/how new story of the tomb raider game. #6. Abe HD. i cant wait to relive this game that took up so much of me and my friends childhoods in stunning HD. # 5. Deadpool the game. so its happening Deadpool the game the merc with the mouth has his own video game. if it has stuff from the comic books it will be so much fun, so funny and just plain silly, if you havent seen how this game gets announced click the link. # 4. South Park the stick of truth. so Stan,Kyle,Kenny and Cartman get there own RPG game. any one who watches the tv series and is a gamer has to be looking for ward to this with humor from the cartoon. #3. The Last Of Us. this game looks amazing, but is it going to be just another post apocalyptic survival game? i hope not! hopefully this game will raise the bar for the future of those kind of games. i am seriously excited about this game, # 2. Dead Space 3. these games are scary i mean really scary when u play alone and in the dark. these game have some of the best story in games. and they are some of the jumpiest games around. dead space 3 will not fail in this kinda stuff. #1. GTA 5. Ok yeh this is bit predictable that GTA 5 is at number one, but who is'nt excited about it. GTA is the most famous games of the last 15 years. all i can say is that will be a masterpiece of video game amazingness, with a huge city,country side and a whole underwater abis to explore this game will not let us down. I expect this game will game of the year 2013 withou a dout . comment and tell me what games you are looking forward to this year, cheers.

hello gamespot

so yeah. i signed up to this website :) i have a Xbox 360, that i play on pretty much everyday- games im playing at the moment are Far Cry 3 which is my game of 2012 it is one of the most fun and intense games i've ever played! assassins creed 3 this assassins creed games feel completely different from any of the other assassins creed game with the animals and with vast wilderness to explore rather than just cities. i also play call of duty when i have nothing better to play gamer-tag is bombshell 279 i also have a ps3 and a play station vita dont really play these much best game on the vita is rayman so much fun!!!! psn name hooligans1990 thanks to anyone who reads or follows me at all if ever