So yeah Merry Xmas and a happy New Year Gamespot and everyone else!
I got GH 3 on PS3 for christmas with the guitar controller but I also got it on 360 without the controller so soon I am taking the 360 version back to swap it out for a copy of the famous Call Of Duty 4: Modern Combat. Really looking forward to getting the game too.
I have been playing halo quite a lot recently and am now at captain grade 2. Still trying to work on my K/D spread tho.
Got a new phone for Xmas too (sony ericsson W580I) and its really cool. Probably going to update my profile soon as the assassins creed hype stopped for me sometime ago when I got the game and realized it wasnt what I thought it would be.:P
new games that im looking forward to in 2008:
Little big planet
GTA 4 (maybe... i find these a bit boring)
thinking of a kingdom hearts 3????
call of duty 5?
LOL now im just making up random sequels
But seriousley I think that the PS3 will pick up this year, meh, I have fun on both my PS3 and 360.
C ya round!