So today, my dear mother took me to Sears and i got my senior pictures taken. Oh wow, that was not fun let me tell you. First off, these two ladies that were taking my pictures were determined to make me into some kind of poser. Imagine, me posing! Even if it is for a picture, i still don't like the idea of posing. The loss of authenticity and the fakeness in that studio, just about killed me.'s the deal. I went in and the first thing they had me do was sit down and start POSING oh wait, we already went over this, probably more than adequately...soooo they started taking pictures. The first was of me and my guitar, oh man, so one lady just goes off on how she plays guitar and her exfiance(exfiance??what the heck is up with even bringing that up??)was crazy about her abilities, and then she kills her whole story...when she asks,"so what hand do you play with?" As far as i know, you CAN buy a left handed guitar, if you get it online or from Fender magazine, but the majority of America plays right handed on a right handed guitar.
Then she starts showing me her extensive vocab in guitarese. The woman called the bridge the "stringholder"! Anyway, they were pretty weird, and made me feel awkward, and i'm pretty sure the older one was like, attempting a flirting kind of thing or something....which might not have been so weird if she wasn't like 40 with an "exfiance". Anyway enough about that, maybe i'll post one somehow, yall have a nice night!