gamer4life02's forum posts
funny topic.... of course i am. i think anyone 16 adn under are weird if you've already lost your virginity. thats jus disgusting.
not to offend anyone, but thats my opinion.
ya well today or whenever it goes into effect is gonna be a busy day or police cuz i'm sure there's gonna be lots of people who have forgotten or don't think anything will happen, and get pulled over. but i think it's pretty good about the law, cuz alot of people can't drive and talk at the same ttime. so it's good. if they wanna talk they can pull over and sit and talk.
this one:
it's called clouds girlfriend!?! it's hecka funny if you're into ff7 and know who his "girlfriend" is.
also this one by nigahiga called how to be emo:
i'm playing GH: legends of rock mostly this summer.
i hope to get harvest moon:island of happiness but thats not out till like the end of summer. sooo... hmm maybe professor layton and the curious village game or whtever it's called. ive been wnting to get that.
well i personally like the zelda series so much. i think they took big step in making all the graphics so beautiful in twilight princess.
i don't think that they should make voice acting, cuz thats like the whole zelda trademark, it just wouldn't be zelda anymore, it would be changed too much. i wouldn't like it. i like all the characters with no talking esepeically link and zelda.
i like all the gameplay , except i think twilight princess was too easy.
overally i still love the zelda series adn i would like some changes but not huge changes. for one i would like it to have a game where zelda and link actually kiss or something!! i mean come on, they've been together forever!! they have to have some kind of feelings towards each other!!
i know that this may have already been brought up in the past, so you don't have to tell me it's old. but i was just seeing all the characters hair, but have any of you ever tried to re-create their styles on your head or someone elses!?? it would be really intersting. If so, what characters hair do you think you could do?? cuz they are pretty interesting...
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