the extra 6 CU's and 50% shader advantage and 100% fillrate advantage will 100% positively play a positive, advantageous factor in PS4 multiplats compared to One multiplats. book it off the bat the PS4 gpu will maintain higher FPS then Xbox One in games, up to developers on whether they want to optimize more/push both consoles further in terms of trying to maintain parity with both "LOL What?" six extra cpu's! LOL!!! Semi-custom 8-core AMD x86-64 CPU (integrated into APU) wiki report...eight NOT fourteen cores! semi-custom where the xboxone is- AMD 8 core APU (2 Quad-Core Jaguar modules)[4][5] wiki report along with-While the Xbox One will run a heavily modified eight-core AMD processor, PS4 will utilize a x86-64 "Jaguar" CPU. tech radar. " HEAVILY MODOFIED!!" As for the GPU of the ps4 running more fps than the xboxone..PLEASE!! They claimed that shit the last time and look at what the truth verified and certified? I heard reports about the xboxone claiming 60fps min AT a constant rate with no flux. Where the ps4 was yielding slower number across the board. The official benchmarks will certify the truth and only them will it certify the truth. As for the ps4 having better firstparty games....again PLEASE LOLLL!! Halo, killer instinct, project spark, titanfall, among others. Give it a rest and when your psn account gets hacked don't come crying to MS for gaming...we don't want your fail!!
I would get one; for the main reason that the xbox1 is not BC so you will miss out on all the extremely great exclusive titles that were for the xbox 360. Halo and forza's as examples. They are affordable right now...gamestop I believe has a refurbished slim for $125; not sure though so don't quote me.
Unfortunately most games these days require internet connections. For periodic updates(great thing), multiplayer access, digi downloads, etc. Sounds reasonable to me....seeeings how most of have played MMO's at some point and time and really enjoy them, and those all require intronet connects! I would like to see MMO's(decent ones) transition over to would be cool!!
So did MS for the XBOX one!! If history tells us anything; it is easier to believe MS than to believe sony when it comes to specs and technical capabilities. The Xbox one has a special custom made , specific-built, contract agreed constructed AMD chip and GPU tooo!! There's no relevance to this truly until benchmarks are tested, and we are able to play the games to pin-point any validity to one case or the other. As for reputation; my vote goes to the Xbox one-no need to applaud!!
"lol people still care about articles written by Richard Leadbetter." I don't...and this debate is debunk for one simple fact how can we trust by word of mouth. For one thing sony hyped the ps3 stating physical spec numbers and left us dry with what was less than stellar performance in comparison to the xbox360; which out performed the ps3 in benchmarks; which is visual aesthetics and also relevant processing power. Again this time won't be any different. the xbox1 GPU along with the cpu with embedded ram will provide a stable experience and will be a powerhouse and by the game demos. We can ascertain that as MS has never misled us in expo demo's; which sony has done on many occasions. I stand alongside the truth and behind it as I will the new MS console with the Kinect.; which is revolutionary and this time around a lot more powerful and accurate. "Imagine doing scorpions spear throw...GET OVER HERE AWESOMME!!!! If you ask me the whole DRM was a false marketing scheme!!
Blah, Blah...BLAH!! I am so tired of this kind of debate. Everytime we have new consoles released we have arguments. The last two rounds went to MS systems. This time around won't be any different. I mean after all with the resignation of harris, the account hacking issue and the inferior hardware(even though they lied and hyped it up) how can any legit/logical gamer give the next PS system a plausible consideration?! Because of the hype, the blindness and deception of a false reality. This time around I will not buy into the lies and just get a XBOX one and know it's worth every 500 dollars it's SRP is advertised and sold as. You get a fat HD, a Kinect, the best controller+plus your body as controller, cloud, self-publishing/developing, secure and almost impervious xboxlive, HALO, titanfall, forza, rising dead 3, project spark, killer instinct, among others, DRM-OOPPSS!!! they renigged on that and the used game issue. Not to mention a decent reputable history save for minute RROD-which was because improper hardware use. Lastly I played and owned all the previous PS systems so this is not bias BS. The only remote consideration to own a ps4 is for the exclusive platformers or if I got it for $100 or less or free. After a short time it would just collect a lot of dust like the others.
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