Wow. That really just pissed me off. Great advise ****........ (spoilers) The guide specifically says to open the door and kill the prisoner. So I do and then down the page it says don't.
Idk if anyone has covered it yet but (possible tiny spoilers) In your return trip to the firelink or firelurk or whatever when you go to get the flask upgrade, when you are taking the elevator back up, drop off in the space looking outwards. You will land on the top of the ruins. Head forwards a bit then drop down. There are a **** ton of chests containing a morningstar weapon, a lloyd's talisman and some others. Walk back and see a secret passageway dropping down. There are some tough ass skeleton guys where you first arrived at the island in your first playthrough. Head up the stairs and grab a sould of undead and then drop back down to the bonfire.
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