Everquest 2. Why?: Ok so Rift is new. So what. Rift is very dark, no lore , no point to the game at all, the community in Rift has no one and you will find yourself having a Blast leveling up, housing,guild halls,soemote,dungeons,etc in Everquest 2. Everquest Nest is coming out soon too btw!So I will be getting my last few months off (at least thats what I hope) starting after next week and will have a lot of time to kill.
I have been into MMO's for a long time but haven't played any (except 1 week on crappy aion) for quite a few years. Everyquest 2 seems to have lots of content but I am unsure on the community now as its quite old. Rift on the otherhand is new but has much less content.
Any opinions?
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