i found out how to do the banner and sig and icon thing!! you upload it to photobucket. so i made an account, and it was smooth sailing from there.
gamerboy4eva Blog
i found the solution!!
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
i found out how to do the banner and sig and icon thing!! you upload it to photobucket. so i made an account, and it was smooth sailing from there.
dang nab these banners...
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
dang nab these banners...
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
im back!
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
i discovered something......(not a fossil though)
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
you know how my friend got me a yu-gi-oh game?well, yea some people might think that it would be stupid, but its actually prettty good. except theyre a little challenging when you first start out.
favorite game of last week-call of duty 4 ~runner up: pokemon mystery dungeon darkness
a game that i will probably play a lot this week would be the yu-gi-oh gx duel academy, followed by final fantasy revenant wings.
vacation baby!!!
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
p.s.- i can still go on, and is there any wayi can get a good banner. (pm me for that)
mistakes mistakes.....
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
as you saw.....i made a couple of mistakes. im a beginner so dont expect me to be perfect....=)P
favorite games for ds
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
1.the world ends with you
2. pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of darkness
3.guitar hero on tour
4.call of duty 4
5. final fantasy XII:revenant wings
6.the legend of zelda phantom hourglass
7.pokemon diamond
8.mariokart ds
9.ninja gaiden:dragon sword
10. pokemon ranger
i got a buncha new games
by gamerboy4eva on Comments
well, in the past week i got a ton of new games. like 7. wait, let me see.....
this is the order i got them in
1.guitar hero on tour
2. mortal kombat deception
these next three are all on the same day but ill put the order i got them in
3.pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of darkness
4.yu-gi-oh gx duel academy(dont ask, my friend gave it to me)
5.call of duty 4:modern warfare(for ds)
6.kingdom hearts 2
7. final fantasy XII:revenant wings
if you have any questions on the games send me a message, but i will write a review for most of them soon
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